A Must See Video of Senator Cruz & Kelly Shackelford Speaking Out against Houston Mayor Annise Parker, and her Gestapo Tactic of Subpoenaing Pastors Sermons
Church as you should know by now, Houston’s mayor Annise Parker has served multiple Houston pastors with subpoenas, demanding that they turn over their sermons. If not, they would be held in contempt of court. This woman needs some sensitivity and diversity training. Actually she needs salvation thru Christ, and repentance. Isn’t it interesting how those that demand “tolerance,” are consistently the most intolerant hateful bigoted people?
The truly saved blood washed repented church (the bride of Christ) will never flinch in the face of adversity. And when the Gospel becomes illegal in America, she must continue to boldly preach it, and be ready to count the costs. But not only from behind the safety of our pulpits. Moreover, we must be obedient to the Biblical mandate, to preach the glorious Gospel out in the public realm.
Regarding Texas. By the grace of God earlier this year I spent a lot of time open-air preaching throughout the streets of Texas. The Lord did some amazing things. It breaks my heart that only a fraction of the ‘church’ within America, is proclaiming the Gospel to a lost and dying world. Do it now while it’s still legal, and do it later when it is not. Because Biblical courage is not an option, it is a commandment.