An Exposition of Psalm 8, by Bill Rhetts
Today was a wonderful Lord’s day. Brother Mike led worship in the singing of hymns, and the reading of Scriptures. I preached the below exposition on Psalm 8. Brothers Robin and Mike assisted with communion. We also had a visit from a wonderful family, and we all enjoyed much fellowship with them. The congregation participated in our Sunday school class, which was a teaching thru the Orthodox Catechism.
In summary we will gleam the following from this eighth Psalm.
Before the fall, God enabled man (the first Adam) to have dominion over Gods creation, and to have all things under his feet. But later after ‘the fall,’ God put all things under Christ’s (the second Adams) feet. And that God would use the weak i.e. the infant to bring about His triumphs. Though being created in the image of God, we will see the dignity and significance of man, we will also see the insignificance of man. Moreover, we will see the divinity, majesty, and excellence of our Creator, and Christ Jesus our Lord.
This sermon is also available in stereo mp3 here