The Damnable Doctrine of Equality – Women in Government, a sermon by Elder Samuel Ashwood

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My preface

If Christian men are going to engage in the defense of Biblical masculinity (via apologetics). Then it will be necessary to oppose egalitarianism and feminism while doing so (via polemics).

Whether he be a male wearing a dress, or a female wearing a military or police uniform, all forms of cross-dressing are a demonstration of bisexual anthropology and a perversion of God’s order of creation.

So, yesterday I posted the following statement on social media.

“I’m convinced that the sinful growing trend of females leading in their homes, the state, government, and/or demonstrating authority over men in the church is the inevitable judgment of God. And it doesn’t matter what female politician you place in this photo collage. Whether she is conservative or liberal, it is a form of feminism and goes against God’s order of creation. I will not vote to enable this anti-Biblical environment (Gen 1&2; 2:19-23; 3:16, Deut. 1:3; 22:5, Ish 3:12, 1 Cor 11:3, 1 Tim. 2:11-15; 3:1-13). #feminism #egalitarianism.”

A follower on Twitter left this comment.

“Was just listening to a sermon on this. Very few preachers are willing to preach hard messages like these.”

He then provided this link / URL of a sermon entitled The Damnable Doctrine of Equality – Women In Government, by Elder Samuel Ashwood.

I listened to the sermon and agree with the aforementioned comment. Sadly, not many pastors preach that kind of message today. I cannot name one that I know personally. To elect women as civic leaders is not only unbiblical, it is anti-biblical.

The only portion of this sermon I might disagree with. Is I think Ashwood was saying that the Scriptures forbid all Christian women from all forms of employment. If he was saying that I do not agree.

If I’ve compromised, or if I’m wrong on this point, then I pray the Lord convicts me, so that I would change my mind (repent).

Though the Scriptures command the pastor’s wife to “guide the house” (1 Tim 5:14), and to be a “keeper at home” (Titus 2:4-5). I don’t believe the Scripture explicitly prohibits all Christian wives from all forms of employment. It would be wise to not paint all situations with one broad brush. Each occupation and situation must be evaluated on an individual basis.

If a Christian wife desires employment, perhaps she should consider the following criteria (including but not limited to).

  1. She has an occupation that is clearly not claiming to be equal to man.
  2. She has an occupation that does not compete with man.
  3. She has an occupation that does not demonstrate authority over man.
  4. If her occupation does not affect or impair her ability to be her husband’s helpmate.
  5. If her occupation does not affect or impair her ability to properly raise her children.
  6. If her occupation does not affect or impair her ability to manage a good household.
  7. If her occupation does not place her in compromising positions.
  8. If her husband is in agreement (if he’s not contra Scriptura).

There are many more points to consider, but I’ll stop here.

Nonetheless, if a Christian woman desires employment. After going over the aforementioned 8 points to consider, my advice would be finding a job that allows her to work out of the home.

In my law enforcement career, I was disappointed at the high percentage of adultery occurring between LAPD officers. Even to the point of me entering a Captains office to lodge a complaint against a peer. In another matter, I remember an Internal Affairs Sergeant interviewing me as a witness, but then telling me, “It’s not your job to be the morality police!” Well Sarge, it is my calling (klētos) to be a Christian (aka a saint).

So yes, this sinful anti-Biblical “equality” in the workplace has proven to be destructive to God’s ordained institution of marriage. And it is always sin and sinful feminism for women to lead in Government positions.

Having said all that. This sermon is one of those sermons that is worth saving, sharing, and/or bookmarking. And because of this kind of bold politically incorrect preaching, I suspect their church is low in quantity, but great in quality, and that is good.

For an applicable article entitled ‘Women Civil Magistrates? A must-hear sermon by Dr. Joe Morecraft,’ please click here.

To listen to the sermon, click on one of the below URLs.


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