Video preaching to girls at nude bar, a dancers husband, two cops, an alleged Christian working inside fully nude bar, & more
My more passive ecumenical Christian police friends may not approve of the way I witnessed to these cops that responded. But we must seize every opportunity to share Christ with every soul that stands before us. Even knowing that it was the enemy of Christ that called the police. The Lord ordained those officers steps to be there. That’s another opportunity.
Today I did some open-air preaching, engaged in some ‘one on one’ conversations, Biblical rebuking, and a whole lot more. Lord I pray that You will grant many repentance. I pray that You would save these people just as You did me. By the grace of God, so go I.
The Apostle Paul set his sights to preach in places where Christ had never been preached. That is what the Lord is pressing me (and others) to do. “And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation,” Romans 15:20.
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About The Author
Bill Rhetts
An ordinary sinner saved by an Extraordinary Savior. Radically saved, and radically changed, by a Radical God. For more details, see the above 'About me' tab.