FBI Director Christopher Wray recently warned “We are in a dangerous period” due to the threat level of terrorism. Forgive me for saying this, but “I told you so.” Years ago I gave presentations all over the heartland. I thought this was another way to ‘love thy neighbor.” But only to become perplexed and disheartened
Glory to the Lord I am seeing fruit from this sermon. I preached it in this community just days after two terrorists committed a Jihad in their community. I strongly urge all Christians to have your own tracts made up. That way people can contact you about your outreach. It also opens the window for
Though I failed to preach the whole counsel of God, and repentance, my Gospel tracts do. This is just another phase of a multi-phase counter-terrorism response to terrorism in our community. For more about this outreach, click on the ‘Redlands Terrorists’ tag. For the glory of God, by the grace of God!
Ever since the two Jihadists Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, et.al. devastated our community, I’ve been responding with the Sword of the Lord. I have infiltrated several of these locations by penetrating them with the Gospel, utilizing multiple methods of evangelism. I have chosen to not upload a lot of the video footage, specifically some
D.H.S. personnel respectfully asked me to leave their property, I respectfully complied then preached from the curb. During my sermon more personnel came out, and respectfully but assertively tried to convince me, that what I was doing was not lawful, but I pressed-on. Remember it was they that encouraged me to continue doing what I
This is just another phase of a multi-phase response to terrorism in our community. For more about this multi-phase outreach, click on the ‘Redlands Terrorists‘ tag here, or on our web site (this tag will keeping growing over this next week)
Bit of a rough start, but the Lord prevailed. Praise the Lord for how he worked thru this crowd. By the grace of God I was able to preach the whole counsel of God, pray for people, and engage in one on ones. I also distributed tracts to them. You will also hear from two
This is another phase of a multi-phase response to terrorism in our community. For more about this multi-phase outreach, click on the ‘Redlands Terrorists’ tag here (this tag will keeping growing over this next week). For my PowerPoint entitled ‘Biblical Evangelism’ click here. Music purchased at iTunes, ‘The Warrior’s Code’ by Epic Score.
The bus stops are just another phase of a multi-phase Christian response to terrorism in our community. This s one of those very long buses. My ‘Black Robe Regiment’ approach to different news media outlets is next. I also preached at the United States Dept. of Homeland Security HQ. The feds ordered me to leave
This outreach is one of many phases of a multi-phase outreach. Every neighbor received a Gospel tract (either in person, or on their front door). I engaged in many conversations. Prayed, preached, and shared the Gospel. The conversations and preaching was redacted. Most of the neighborhood (not all) seemed to be back to normal. Tolerant,
This candlelight vigil was put-on by the city of San Bernardino. This was the first phase of a multi-phase outreach. By Gods grace I was able to distribute 500 Gospel tracts. Engaged in one on ones, and prayed with others. I have also uploaded some of my interviews with major news outlets. This afternoon I
This is one of many interviews with major news outlets. Pray for me as I have much more labor to do in response to this terrorist attack. I pray that I will always boldly display the love of Christ, but never wavering on the truth; and/or the whole counsel of God. This is my second
This is one of many interviews. Some I videotaped, others I did not (I forgot to hit record). In this video she asked me a little about the terrorist attack. She then asked how I would feel if this become a “political” issue, or about “gun control.” As well as fiscal issues with law enforcement.
As I type, this ‘live’ in my own San Bernardino community, the events are unfolding as three active shooters armed with rifles shot up to 20 people (poss 12 dead thus far). Ironically 12 years ago during the infamous ‘DC Beltway Sniper’ serial killer rampage, the Lord used me to spread the Gospel in those