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Tag: The occult

Cults love casual conversationalism, but watch what happens when…

Casual conversationalism is appreciated and preferred by most of the world. But when you proclaim God’s infallible, inerrant, sufficient Word of God, they flee. Sadly much of today’s “apologetics” have become like a ‘show and tell’ in grade school. Whereas they “share” with each other on a mutual respect level. But a Christian stands upon

Video pleading to cult members as they flee the preachers court

Though Christians are commanded to preach the glorious Gospel, we also have a duty to oppose false teachings. We’re not called to make friends with the world, nor fellowship with them, nor invite them to “church.” We’re commanded to warn them, and sometimes you will push them away, because they are already dead in their

Video Evangelizing Palm Springs – April 2018 (the glory of the Lord caused various results, including a mad-man who threatened me, and went after me)

This was an interesting day. I engaged in various methods of evangelism. From casual conversations, to engaging hostile enemies of Christ, to stop-light preaching, to crying-out, to witnessing to cults, to standing elevated heralding the Gospel, to the public reading of the Scriptures, to Biblically judging and Biblically rebuking a professing Christian, to distributing hundreds

Video of my friend Ronnie being attacked while preaching at the March for Science in Seattle: Preacher hit from behind & Satanic Temple marching but THE LORD REIGNS! (Warning profanities)

In the first 30 seconds you will see a Satanist wearing Easter bunny ears aggressively assault my friend Ronnie Cardiel. Take note that as soon as Ronnie recovers from this attack, he rejoices saying “Oh praise God, thank You Lord!” This is the book of Acts in action. Recover – Rejoice – and Regroup. This