A ‘year to date’ report on IPOC finances – as of 09-30-16
I thought I’d give a ‘year to date’ report on our IPOC finances. This does not include my own ‘out of pocket’ expenses, which I spend from my own personal income (which is very limited). This is solely from those that contribute to IPOC Ministries.
So far this year our tax deductible contributions are currently at $2,173.00. Our total expenses are currently at $2,653.45. Our net ordinary income is -480.45.
A breakdown of our expenses are as follows.
Gasoline at $742.99 (does not include much more cash spent on gas from my own personal income). Bank service charges at $86.56, and our credit card merchant services at $352.76. Misc. evangelism supplies are at $46.89, and field supplies are at $22.22. U.S. Postage is at $337.15, and printing is at $422.50 (tracts). Dining (via travel) is $148.58, and hotel lodging is at $245.05. Parking is at $52.00, and web site maintenance is at $128.99.
Bringing our total expenses to $2,653.45.
Other misc. income (a return) is $99.00.
Today we have a balance of $197.17.
Needless to say, as a fiscally conservative person, this is not much money spent considering the fact that this enabled me to share the Gospel with well over 100,000 people. True had there been more income, I would have traveled more. However I am content that this is the Lord’s will.
The one place I am considering ‘cutting back’ is ‘possibly’ terminating our credit card / merchant services account (which is thru a legitimate bank). That expense thus far is $352.76, and not enough of our income came via online donations to justify keeping it open next year. I will keep an eye on that expense.
I want to thank those that have contributed. I also want to thank those that pray for this ministry. For the glory of God, by the grace of God.
– Bill Rhetts 🙂