3 John

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This expositional teaching of the 3rd Epistle of John includes but is not limited to. The importance of the truth (although 2nd John covers the “truth” much better. More on what does the Bible say about assisting the brethren in need? I discussed a contrast between some local churches that over-spend, to two local churches here in the Inland Empire that do not pass the plate for an offering (they do not take an offering). I spoke about how much of America’s churchianity does “church” backwards. I spoke briefly about the dangers of President George W. Bush’s socialized “Faith Based Initiative,” and why churches and ministries should not accept government funding. The Apostle John then commends Gaius & Demetrious, but scolds a false convert known as Diotrephes. And to be cautious of modern day Diotrephes, whom desire to have a ‘preeminence’ within the ministry.

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