Tag: Self defense

In 2011 I leaked intel warning SoCal of terrorism threats then…

FBI Director Christopher Wray recently warned “We are in a dangerous period” due to the threat level of terrorism.  Forgive me for saying this, but “I told you so.” Years ago I gave presentations all over the heartland. I thought this was another way to ‘love thy neighbor.” But only to become perplexed and disheartened

Why I will not be attending the 2023 G3 Conference in Atlanta

Since I’m not far from Atlanta, I was asked if I will be attending the conference. My answer is ‘no.’ The following is why, including but not limited to. I will not align myself with an organization whose leader became a registered text offender, as he molested Romans 13, apparently trying to convince others online to join

Our Federal injustice system arms enemies while disarming citizens

Before my time, the leadership of America began spending billions arming other countries, and some of those weapons have been (and will be) used against us. In our new millennium, we learned our Federal injustice system engaged in gunwalking, aka the fast & furious gun scandal. Whereas our citizens and police later were killed with

I almost shot a Pickwick Utility employee

Forgive my rambling, but this was too important to hold back. To some, I am a fool for making this video. Others will appreciate it. Nonetheless, I am a fool for Christ. I give commentary on this problematic experience, offer some solutions to the problem, a two-minute music video, and then close with a blunder

Going Underground – More Strategic Tactical Preparations

This is one of my “strategic tactical preparations” that I wrote about while moving to Tennessee. The others will not be televised, and they are still in progress. This project’s primary purpose is a tornado shelter for my wife. We are thankful to Fain Storm Shelters out of Jackson, Tennessee for manufacturing, delivering, and installing