Tag: God’s wrath

EVIL: New California Bill Charges Parents with Child Abuse for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity – Bill Co-Author Once Led Successful Effort to Lower Criminal Penalties for Knowingly Spreading HIV

Before you read the Gateway Pundit article below, please read my preface. I have many things to say, but here are only some of my thoughts, lest I give the thought police ammunition. Regarding California politics. My main regret is not leaving California sooner. But dear Tennesseans, don’t be fooled to think this could not

Does God “whisper” on sexual sin? (excerpt from Jude 7)

After preaching this sermon I regret not stating the following. It is not just men like #SBC leaders J.D. Greear and Ed Litton, that normalize or minimalize sexual sin. It is also egalitarianists Rosaria Butterfield, Jacki Hill-Perry, and a large percentage of professing (alleged) Christians that do so.

An Exposition of Psalm 76, by Pastor Bill Rhetts

While doing expository teaching on this chapter, I also applied the importance of believing in the God of these Scriptures. As one woman yesterday that was killing her child at an abortion mill, claimed to already believe in both God and Jesus. I also discussed the importance of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility, as well

An Exposition of Psalm 75, by Pastor Bill Rhetts

In this expositional teaching of Psalm 75, I also gave a call to action to examine ourselves for any pastoral idolatry or grandstanding. And to continually embrace the pillars of Sola Scriptura and Soli Deo Gloria. And what’s in that cup of red wine?