Introduction I am seeing a Facebook meme passed around like popcorn. It was created by a professing Christian who named his ministry after himself. Making a first person – personal pronoun ministry named after yourself has always been a red flag to me. 🤮 I was going to name the man and his ministry and
After watching the world commit unrepented continual idolatry over Kobe’s death, and then seeing Pastor Greg Laurie’s video on Kobe’s death, it’s time to say the following hard truths. Semper Reformanda! Greg Laurie’s aforementioned video can be seen here. To know more about ‘life after death,’ read my Gospel tract here. My article on the heretical
We live in a time when a majority of professing Christians, and local churches from all denominations, have devalued Biblical masculine preaching. Instead, they prefer sermonettes, gentle sharing, a soft tone, mutually cooperative debates, casual conversationalism, and/or the use of other methods that are only secondary to true bold preaching (or methods that shouldn’t be used at
The way the fellow in this video responded to the Gospel, reminded me of the famous street preaching video entitled “Last Call.” When I compelled the crowd to ‘repent and believe,’ and ‘respond’ to the Gospel, this man ‘similar in appearance’ responded in the same manner. Additionally, this Christian woman was so thankful for what
These great commands by our Lord are rarely truly applied, obeyed and/or practiced (at least from my observations). Therefore I put this sermon together for the Lord’s people. I did an exposition of the Text, and shared several experiences, and how I applied this passage to them. The sermon notes to this teaching are available
Perhaps this might be the most important message I’ve ever uploaded to YouTube? Over the years we’ve heard this parable taught by many Bible teachers. But often times the teacher places too much emphasis on Israel, the wedding, the bride, the groom, and/or their culture. When in fact many teachers failed to concentrate on the
In this passage we teach, learn, or reaffirm (including but not limited to), about the driven, the doomed, and the damned (they are contrary to verses 1-3). We also learn more about Gods judgment, hell, and His wrath. We learn about the incidents of false converts in our congregations, and the ‘unbiblical soteriologies,’ that create
Last night on television, during the vice presidential debate, Mike Pence publicly gave his testimony regarding his faith. He stated, “My Christian faith became real for me when I made a personal decision for Christ.” Bear in mind that the aforementioned ‘statement of faith’ was seen and heard by an estimated viewership of over 50,000,000 people
From Chaplain Bill, I’m just an ordinary sinner, saved and changed by an extraordinary Savior. What I’m about to share is not politically correct, but it is Biblically correct. Yesterday I received a personal message from a Facebook friend that I’ve personally known for a while now. For the record I’m all for Biblical instruction,
Shortly after I arrived at this location, another street preacher whom I’ve never met before arrived. Normally when this occurs, the pulpit is claimed on a ‘first come first choice’ basis. But in this case, we shared the pulpit, each preaching for ten minutes. I shared one of my police shootings with this crowd. And
This is one of many outreaches on this day. This week it has reached 115 degrees, so I became the Culligan Man, distributing water along with Gospel tracts. My Jeep was loaded up with cases of H2O.
On this day I preached in Rancho Cucamonga, then labored in Ontario, and then into San Bernardino. The first two were brief, and non-eventful (but Gods Word promises to never return void). There were several other preachers at the first location. But much happened in San Bernardino. After preaching this sermon, one lady asked some
Most of my ‘mentors at-large’ have proceeded me in death, Ravenhill is one of them. What Ravenhill says Biblically, is what most pastors will not. Today too many pastors are creating false converts with their unbiblical postmodern “repeat this prayer”, or “slip up your hand” or “accept Jesus” if you want to go to heaven
At first Charles said he was saved because he “believes” and was “baptized.” But later after ministering to him, he realized he was in grave danger. Please pray for this man. I pray that I loved him Biblically, with the whole counsel of God. “If the professed convert distinctly and deliberately declares that he knows