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What is a Reformed Church? Are you a RINO?

No, this presentation is not political. The RINO I spoke of is a church, or person that is Reformed In Name Only. This is a historical overview of a Reformed – Calvinist church. Regretfully I failed to mention the importance of covenant theology over the errs of dispensationalism that have crept into some so-called “reformed”

The “altar calls” or “invitations” seen in churches are not Biblical, they are anti-biblical

The “altar calls” or “invitations” seen in churches (or events) are not Biblical. They are anti-biblical, idolatrous, and/or perhaps even a type of anti-Christ. Altar calls are nothing more than a pragmatic, emotionally driven, decision-making experience, that manipulates simpletons while impersonating Christ and creating a counterfeit Christianity. That’s why we have so many goats today

Convicted murderer Brad Sigmon was finally executed by a firing squad

But sadly, liberal ‘professing’ Christians, as well as many dispensationalists are twisting Scripture proclaiming the death penalty was nullified in the New Covenant. Understandably, some dispensationalists are proponents of the death penalty. Regardless, the egalitarian seen at timestamp 1:29 in the video below is sinfully leading this protest against God’s immutable Law. She shouldn’t even

Enjoying my beard journey – Semper Reformanda

Forgive the selfie that’s not my Modus of Operandi. Unlike before, I’m enjoying my journey with this new beard. Here it’s only two ½ months old and has already been trimmed twice. I’ve learned some new things this time around. In California, our humidity was often a single digit, so my dry skin itched too

The song Hallelujah is not a “Christian” song

A little Los Angeles history and how it became closely associated with contemporary music and a pseudō church history in this regard. Today this song Hallelujah is played on “Christian radio” and sung in many “churches.” But what most don’t realize is that the one who wrote and first produced this song was not a

Trump’s ‘White House Faith Office’ led by “Pastor” Paula White

In this podcast, I talk about Trump’s new anti-Biblical ‘White House Faith Office’ and his continual elevation of feminism. As well as egalitarianism, false teachings, heresy, ecumenicalism, religious pluralism, unitarianism, universalism, feminism, and sexual immorality. The aforementioned Good News is here. https://youtu.be/z9D5UG-jZ7o

The evils of Eminent Domain, a Christian response

In my first year in Tennessee, I learned that our own Board of County Commissioners was considering eminent domain of the land of fellow citizens. Eminent domain is when the Government utilizes the power to seize the private property of their own citizens, with some compensation, with or without our consent, and use it for their

Hefty Snapping Turtle enjoying the warmth

Today we had a high of 71 degrees, so I expected to see some snakes coming out of their winter hibernation for some sunshine. But instead, I saw this big Snapping Turtle enjoying the warmth of the asphalt. So, I did the neighborly deed and saved him from becoming turtle soup from another motorist.
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