Psalm chapter 1

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Psalm chapter 1:1-3 (whom Christians are ‘not’ to “walk” with, obeying God’s Law, and Biblical Christianity in a postmodern era)

We will learn of the dangers of ‘walking’ with non-saved ‘friends.’ We will also learn how to ‘Biblically’ love the lost, and to increase our respect for, and obedience to ‘God’s Law,’ and how to ‘prosper.’ I will share some personal experiences (or observations), and Lord willing, we will learn how to ‘apply and demonstrate’ these commandments to our daily lives. I pray the Lord will use this to convict, and exhort His bride, how to walk Biblically, by knowing whom ‘not’ to walk with; and/or that He will reinforce His church in doing so.

Part one of two videos (verses 1-3)

Part two of two (verses 4-6)
In this passage we teach, learn, or reaffirm (including but not limited to), about the driven, the doomed, and the damned (they are contrary to verses 1-3). We also learn more about Gods judgment, hell, and His wrath. We learn about the incidents of false converts in our congregations, and the ‘unbiblical soteriologies,’ that create them. We teach whom the “righteous” are, and what true salvation looks like.
