O1 visa

American by birth, Tennessean by choice; Christian by Gods sovereign election, conservative by common sense

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Well, the Lord has spoken. Via His Divine decree, He has orchestrated events that made it clear we are to retire to the State of Tennessee. However, for personal reasons, we will maintain dual residency in both states, but only for a few years. 

Though my wife will still be in California much of the time. I will be in Tennessee getting our homestead ready. I will miss the people in our lives, our church family, the San Bernardino National Forest, the Deserts, and especially boating and fishing in the Pacific Ocean. But there’s no water drought in the South. And Tennessee is a different kind of border State. She borders eight Southern States that are abundantly blessed with lakes, and their fish are plentiful.

The political climate

Thankfully I am more in line with the political, social, and fiscal climate of Tennessee than other States considered. So, understanding the history of the Civil War in the South, I guess you can say we ‘succeeded the union of California.’ We’re escaping a state that has been liberal and socialist far too long, but even worse, is becoming a Communist state. Another reason for this move is we’ll get a bigger bang for our buck. And let’s not forget Tennessee is one of the five freest States in the U.S.A, and I intend to help continue that.

And so, to my fellow Tennesseans, do not fret when you hear that “another Californian” has moved to Tennessee. We’re American by birth, but Tennessean by choice. Furthermore, this refugee is not a liberal, a RINO, nor a CINO. But by God’s grace, am a born-again bondslave to Christ, who is so conservative, that I am ‘to the right’ of Reagan and today’s Republican establishment. Therefore, I’ve already ordered a “Don’t California my Tennessee” T-shirt.   

Henceforth, glad to be a citizen of the Confederate States of America (CSA).

Our future homestead

By God’s grace, our Lord has provided us with a lovely custom-built farmhouse that sits on a ten-acre homestead way out in rural Country Tennessee. As Governor Bill Lee said, “You want to know what’s right about America, you got to look at rural Tennessee!”

What a culture shock this will be. After policing the mean streets of Los Angeles in a city populated by multiple millions. We will be retiring in a city with a three-digit population that’s a lower number than our new area code.

Our goal is to become self-sufficient. This is our first home not having to rely on the government to provide us with water. Instead, God will be providing us with His fresh water, created from His earth, via our well. We will no longer be paying for a socialist sewage system, socialist gas, or a socialist street sweeper. Though our new community does not have taxpaid street sweepers, I can sweep our own street thank you very much.    

Paul told the church in Thessalonica to work with their own hands, so that they would lack nothing, and not have to depend on others (1 Thess. 4:9-12). But not only do I desire to be self-sufficient, I hope to be able to help fellow Christians and/or neighbors in need. Especially during a disaster or catastrophe.

For starts, we’re looking forward to having chickens again. As soon as we decide on the right coop, and predator resistant run, the chickens will probably join us our first month. And of course, Roosters make great Sheepdogs for those egg laying girls. The other animals will come later.

“The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land.” – Deuteronomy 28:8

It would sure be nice if the sellers left one of their Black Angus behind. They were the first thing that caught my attention when my Garmin said, “You have arrived at your destination!” Lord willing, the beef will come.

Once we’re unpacked and settled in, my first duty will be resurrecting our Ham Radio Stations, and a tornado warning alert system. That way we’ll be in an ongoing state of ‘severe weather’ readiness. For EmComm purposes, I hope to acquire formal training to become a certified Storm Spotter.

I can’t wait to do my first comprehensive reconnaissance of our land, from boundary to boundary, fence pole to fence pole. Looking forward to seeing some Southern snakes, frogs and salamanders, and who knows what else that we’ll need to be watchful of.   

Future goals

Then Lord willing, over the next six months, we plan to do the following home improvements,


We desire to belong to a healthy church that embraces the five fundamental Doctrines of Grace, that practices a Regulative Principle of Worship, Covenant Theology, and a full-strict subscription to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. 

I understand that churches are almost everywhere in Tennessee, and there’s no perfect church, but it must be Biblical and healthy, as Doctrine and Theology matter. So, I hope it’s possible to find that church not too far away. If not, a small Acts 2 gathering inside our home, might be Gods will for us (and whoever else).  I am also excited to evangelize and herald the Gospel in the streets of our communities, being engaged in local civic and community activities, while being a sheepdog

Though despite California’s tyrannical Governor, and his draconian mandates, the church I pastored in California never shut down for Covid. I doubt I would ever see those types of lock-downs in Tennessee (in my lifetime). Nonetheless, I plan to always be ready. 

We’re very thankful for those that have been praying for our journey. Please continue to pray for my wife and I, and how the Lord might use us in Tennessee.

“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God” – 1 Corinthians 10:31.

Soli deo Gloria, and Semper Reformanda! 

For those of you desirous to know what happens when you die, please read my Gospel tract below.


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