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Convicted murderer Brad Sigmon was finally executed by a firing squad

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But sadly, liberal ‘professing’ Christians, as well as many dispensationalists are twisting Scripture proclaiming the death penalty was nullified in the New Covenant. Understandably, some dispensationalists are proponents of the death penalty. Regardless, the egalitarian seen at timestamp 1:29 in the video below is sinfully leading this protest against God’s immutable Law. She shouldn’t even be in civil government, let alone a spokesman for the church who misquotes God’s Word in other videos, nonetheless.

Yes, indeed, we are no longer under some Old Testament Laws, i.e., Levitical Law. But the various other Laws of the Old Testament, i.e., the Moral Law, overlap throughout the New Covenant. Hence, they do not stop with a particular timeline, aka dispensation.

The Bible says Jesus did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it. Christ fulfilled the Levitical Law, but His moral Laws are still to be obeyed today, and the death penalty is a Biblical consequence of murder. As I’ve said before.

I am a former Dispensationalist, and today I still have to fight against that former teaching. Dispensationalism is not just one error. Dispensationalism is the mothership that leads to many other errors. And saying I’m only a “leaky dispensationalist,” is tantamount to saying ‘I only have a little cancer.’ When an oncologist removes cancer, they don’t just remove cancer seen only on the surface of the skin. They surgically remove the root of the cancer. And so that is how Dispensationalism must be treated, including “Leaky Dispensationalism.

For a preliminary introduction to capital punishment, it says in Genesis 9:6, “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.”

Before the aforementioned unbiblical video, I appreciate how R.C. Sproul Sr. described the Biblical attitude towards capital punishment.

Whoever sheds man’s blood by man, shall his blood be shed. This is in the imperative. This is a command. That person must be killed. And so, God doesn’t just give the magistrate now, the right of capital punishment, He gives the magistrate the duty of capital punishment. And that’s what causes so much controversy. Now I remember reading an article complaining about Christians, constantly protesting against abortion laws in the United States. And he said he would not take the Christian community’s protest against abortion, seriously, until these same people would mobilize against capital punishment. And when he said that he revealed that he didn’t understand the biblical rationale, which is the same in both cases. What is behind the church’s protest against abortion and what is behind the historic Christian community’s, backing of capital punishment, is the concept of the sanctity of life. And people who oppose capital punishment, oppose it appealing to the same principle.

The principle is that every human life is sacred. And if a person chooses to murder another human being, we’re just adding to the de-sacralization of life by executing the murderer. Then the point is that everybody’s life is sacred, even the murderer. And so we have to do something besides retaliate with revenge or so on. But the point of the original institution of capital punishment is not for deterrence. It’s not even for vengeance. It’s to maintain God’s directive that every human life is sacred. Now notice what he says, whoever sheds man’s blood by man, his blood shall be shed. For in the image of God he made man.

The rationale that God gives for requiring the death of the murderer is that in a very real sense, the person who raises his hand to slay a human being is making an assault, not just on a fellow human, but it’s making an assault against God, because every human being is the image bearer of God. And when you kill a human being, you kill somebody who is bearing the image of God. And God is saying that to be an image of God is so sacred and so Holy that if somebody wantonly destroys an image bearer of God, God says that person forfeits their right to human life and they are to be executed. So the punishment for murder, God establishes, not just in the Mosaic economy, but in the Noahic economy, is the death penalty.

Source: Ligonier Ministries, Is Capital Punishment Biblical? (Accessed on March 8th, 2025)

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