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Don’t believe the lie that men and women are equal

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This meme is not politically correct, but it is Biblically correct.

The battle against Biblical anthropology has always existed. But ever since the sexual revolution, aka the women’s liberation movement, masculinity deteriorated while feminism advanced. Understandably the lost world caved into this madness. But sadly, churches have increasingly capitulated with the worldlings.

I sat in a church for too long here in Tennessee. Over several months, the pastor preached the following to the congregation: Twice, he said, “Women are equal to men.” And once, he said, “Our wives are equal to their husbands.” And the feminists and pro feminists loved it.

Don’t believe the lie that men and women are equal. Albeit the secular courts and EEOC may say we’re equal, that’s not Biblical. Though men are not better than women, and yes, we are created equal in God’s image, we are unequally different. Including but not limited to. Different in anthropology, biology, genetics, neurobiology, sexuality, physiology, and sociologically. But more importantly, we are different Theologically. To say otherwise is a bisexual anthropology and goes against God’s Divine order of creation. Gender confusion belongs out in the world, not in the church.

Though most pastors oppose egalitarianism behind the pulpit, many sinfully allow it everywhere else. Some even encourage it. The growing trend of professing Christian “men” who sit under the leadership of females either in conferences, podcasts, or by reading their books is disheartening. These “men” are more characteristic of the first Adam than the Last Adam.

Feminists, pro-feminists, and proud feminists will disagree, but my position is Biblical. As I’ve warned before. A little egalitarianism egalitarians the whole lump. Men, repent and man up. Let’s make Biblical anthropology great again!

Update: Made this applicable video on 01/15/25.

#DoctrineMatters #HermeneuticsMatter #Anthropology #Sexuality #Gender #GenderRoles #GenderDysphoria #FederalHeadship #Masculinity #Feminism #Egalitarianism


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