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EVIL: New California Bill Charges Parents with Child Abuse for Refusing to “Affirm” Their Kid’s Gender Identity – Bill Co-Author Once Led Successful Effort to Lower Criminal Penalties for Knowingly Spreading HIV

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Before you read the Gateway Pundit article below, please read my preface.

I have many things to say, but here are only some of my thoughts, lest I give the thought police ammunition. Regarding California politics. My main regret is not leaving California sooner. But dear Tennesseans, don’t be fooled to think this could not happen here. In the 15 months I’ve been here, I’ve learned this. Tennessee is full of liberal Republicans, wolves, and goats. I’ve visited a dozen churches, and sadly the Bible in the “Bible Belt” is watered down in most churches.

Though I’ve been critical of egalitarianism and feminism, let me speak of many “men.” We live among a castrated Christendom, where many men have become spiritually neutered and polluted. Some prefer to be entertained by their effeminate “Christian” music while having their itchy ears tickled with milk-toast woke SBC Lifeway sermonettes.

As always, what’s a solution to this problem?

Christians must individually repent, not repeat, and yes, judgment begins in the house of God.

Other than publicly preaching the Law & Gospel to these abominable heathen legislators, et.al. We must believe in and demonstrate imprecatory prayers. I introduced them to our former church in California, and we practiced them. I even shared some prolific results over the years in my life. So yes, #ImprecatoryPrayers can Make America Great Again.

Legislation like this is a direct sin & blasphemy against the Lord our God. Though it gives me righteous indignation, as it should every Christian. I believe the Lord decrees these hard-to-swallow pills as a form of His due judgment. Frankly, we deserve worse.

And to those of you that have made gods or idols out of your children or grandchildren. Not all these gender-confused kids are innocent victims. They too are sinfully transgressing God’s Law. As per Romans 1, the Lord has turned many over to their debased minds. And some of our cute “innocent” boys and girls are suppressing the truth in their unrighteousness.

We must stop treating suspects like victims. Similar to those who desire to abort (murder) their babies. Evangellyfish wrongfully call those mothers “victims,” when in fact they (and the men involved) are murder suspects (though there is forgiveness to those who repent).

Some of our children will become a child of God (the elect), while others will remain children of wrath and sons of perdition forever. In the meantime, Christian parents need to teach the Law & Gospel to their children. And if you don’t catechize them daily, the world will.

Some children will knowingly and intentionally use this legislation (if passed) to harm their parents. Have you not read the many verses that warn that children and family members will turn against their own? Christians, we must have a higher view of God & Theology, than of ourselves and those our Lord warns about in Romans 1.

And don’t try to make your public schools better again, instead remove your children from the public school system.

Lastly, as I stated in a recent blog post.

What America needs to make America great again is not another pro-homosexual Republican in the White House. We need more churches and their men to be Biblically masculine and militant again. We need to be like the bold men in the Book of Acts, who were willing to be jailed for the cause of Christ like this most recent arrest in Reading Pennsylvania; And even die for the cause of Christ, and the furtherance of His glorious Gospel. Lord, bring up more of those men.

We need more men like that. And Godly women who will support them, not try to silence or neuter them.

Lord, let Your will be done!

The article can be read here or below.

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