Excellent video on the ‘Severe Persecution Coming to to American Christians Soon’
He is correct that most of America’s churchianity have a pacifists view of verses on persecution. Sadly today many professed Christians are playing church.
Therefore I believe this persecution will be a good thing. This would separate the wheat from the chaff. This would drive Christ’s truly saved church (the bride of Christ) into Acts chapter 2 house churches, and/or more solid small local fellowships. The majority of sheeples that I know are praying for a “revival.” But the revivals they are hoping for are not Biblical revivals, they are only temporary Band-Aids. The only way a true revival will come, is thru persecution. As the Lord releases His protection over us, because of His love, we will see more of His judgment upon America. And we will see the separation of the sheep and goats.
Dear brethren, if you are more concerned about that building that you call “church,” or the establishment, than you are the bride of Christ; then you are committing ‘church idolatry.’ You must repent. Fear God, revere His Word, care for His church (the saved body of believers,) and preach the glorious Gospel to a lost and dying world.
If you are saved, you were chosen and called to be a bond-slave to Christ. To be sold-out to the Lord, not a sell-out in the world. We are to be part His royal priesthood. No matter how severe this becomes, it is a win-win. Lord let Your will be done.
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