American by birth, Southern by choice – Flying my 5’x8’ Confederate Flag
I have a great deal of respect for those that fought and died during WWII. The war has been called the “greatest war,” and their people then have been called “the greatest generation.” I couldn’t imagine dying or becoming maimed for the freedoms of other people in another Country.
Nonetheless, I believe an even greater war and greater people than those in WWII, are those that fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side. They fought and died for the lives and liberty of their own State and Southern States. They fought against a tyrannical enemy within America that invaded the South.
Americans are repulsed that Hamas invaded homes and public venues to kidnap and slaughter Israeli citizens, including babies and women. But I will never forget Lincoln did the same here in the Bible Belt. I stand with the South and will always be ready to defend her against such tyranny.
I flew the Confederate flag in California, only to hear ignorant woke neighbors mumble “That’s racist!” as they walked by. And I’ll be darn if I don’t fly it here in the South. And so, I fly this flag in respect and honor of them, and the South.
In 2008 I removed the U.S. Flag from our flagpole. Though the South is not sinless, but as a bondslave to Christ, I could no longer stand united with the United States of America. I stand more united with the Confederate States than I do the United States and am a limited government conservative (more so than today’s GOP).
The Confederate flag is about our history and heritage, not hatred. I believe in their (our) fight and willingness to die for the independence of our land and southern States, and to not be under the enemy’s tyranny.
I enjoy the kinfolk of Confederate soldiers who fought for States’ rights and the succession of the Union. And as history tells us. Since West Tennessee was more loyal to the Confederacy than Middle or East Tennessee, I am even more grateful to be a West Tennessean. Besides, I’d rather live in Dixieland than in a state that hosts Disneyland.
And so, as the liberals and woke military press on with their threats and intentions to remove our historical Confederate Memorial from our National Cemetery, I encourage others to raise their own Confederate flags and memorials.
For an excellent movie on the Civil War, I highly recommend Gods and Generals, and watching all the commentaries on side 2 is a must. It can be purchased here, or anywhere on Amazon,
#StarsAndBars #RaiseYourBattleFlag #confederate #confederacy #confederateflag #redneck #redneckboy #rednecknation #rednecklife #rebelflag #dixie #dixieland #DixieForever #HeritageOfHonor #keepitflying #south #southern #SouthernCross #southernboy #yeehaw #heritagenothate #merica #hillbilly #southernpride #countryboy #countryfolk #countrylife #countryliving #thesouth #westtennessee #tennessean #flaggers
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I see a correlation between white liberals displaying their ‘white guilt’ by apologizing for being white. And the “pro-gun” crowd who apologized for gun violence before giving their pro-gun commentary. I refuse to apologize for being white, for gun violence, or for being pro-gun. Furthermore, this Redneck Rebel is more than just pro-gun. I’m against any restriction of guns and/or ammunition. I still have the shotgun my parents bought for me when I was only 10 years old, and you’d have to kill me to take it. For Charlton Heston’s speech on this click here
As I’ve said for years, except perhaps the DOD, all other three lettered Federal agencies should be abolished. That is limited government conservatism. And States’ rights are the primary reason I fly the #Gadsden and #Confederate flags. The #FBI has no business getting Audrey Hale’s manifesto (or other evidence) before ‘we the people.’ And I suspect the corrupt Woke FBI will truncate much of Hale’s hatred of Christian people. #SheepDog #Persecution
Though my State of Tennessee recognizes our Confederate Memorial Day in June. I am thankful for the Confederate soldiers who fought and died for their own countrymen in their own States. And it’s been a privilege to get acquainted with the Ancestors of the Confederacy.
#ConfederateMemorialDay #MemorialDay
Disclaimer: Not an endorsement.
In this Civil War movie trailer, a citizen holds some at gunpoint. The Journalist says, “We are American, OK!” The citizen asked the question that I quietly ask myself every time I see an American flag. “What kind of American are you?”
America has become a melting pot of ecumenicalism, and multiculturism, who’s legislated sin and lawlessness from her highest levels of legislative jurisprudence.
And so, the older I am in Christ, the less I desire to be united with the “United States of America.” It’s good to be a secessionist. And I pledge my allegiance to Christ alone.