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Franklin Graham’s Samaritan’s Purse is a multi-billion-dollar (a year) money laundering machine

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Yesterday’s Christian Post headline read, “USAID pays Samaritan’s Purse $19M reimbursement for Africa aid.”

Though the Christian Post gave the impression of transparency, it was disingenuous in many ways. Not once did it mention the words tax, tax dollars, or taxpayers. And that is what my blog post is about.

Franklin Graham and his Samaritan’s Purse are taking taxpayers’ tax dollars without their consent and/or knowledge. Hence, Graham is Uncle Sam’s peripheral tax collector. Furthermore, taxation without representation is a form of thievery.

The Christian Post was also disingenuous to quote Graham giving the impression that only “less than 5% of the organization’s funding in 2024 came from government grants.” That “5%” Christian Post reported for 2024, and the aforementioned 19-million-dollar reimbursement they received is only the tip of the iceberg.

Samaritan’s Purse reports billions of dollars of income annually, that’s billions with a B. A large portion of that is money taken from Taxpayers under the disguise of the word “grants.” I have uploaded page 1 of their IRS 990 forms reporting for the years 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023.

Graham’s defenders will tell you the 19-million-dollar reimbursement was a decision of the U.S. Supreme Court, not his. But what they won’t tell you is they capitulate with and acquiesce to Graham’s Samaritan Purse taking billions of dollars beforehand.

The state of our nation is in financial peril. Do you think Graham will give that reimbursement back? Of course not. He’s been taking far greater amounts for many decades. And that’s one of the reasons we’re in the mess we’re in.

Franklin Graham and his Samaritan’s Purse are like a tick. They land on you, get under your skin, and suck the blood right out. And when they do give something back, it’s tantamount to Lymes disease, taxation without representation. But worse, a heretical false Gospel that professing Christians, churches, or citizens are either voluntarily or involuntarily paying for.

Grahams false gospel and false teachings include but are not limited to. A universal love, universal grace, the sinners prayer, ecumenicalism, and various heresies that come from his Arminianism. 

We should never complain about a problem unless we offer a solution to the problem. We need to abolish the corrupt IRS. And if our Congress will not. Then at least abolish the 501c3 tax code. Abolish the federally funded interfaith-based initiative implemented by G.W. Bush. Decades ago, God’s faithful remnant gave to the church before the tax-exempt status, and another faithful remnant will continue to donate without it. Give to your local church and not these unbiblical parachurch ministries.

The article from the Christian Post can be seen here.

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