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Intolerant Atheists & Humanists force the Devaney family to remove their sons Cross Memorial from his accident scene, in the city of Lake Elsinore

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Devaney cross story
Photo courtesy of Press Enterprise

Lake Elsinore, Calif. –

In May of 2012, while walking across Lake Street at Temescal Canyon Road, 19-year-old Anthony Vincent Devaney was struck by a vehicle. Tragically Anthony succumbed to his fatal injuries. Anthony’s father (Chad) his mother (AnnMarie) and his sister (Mercedez) later erected a beautiful cross memorial alongside the street.

However according to the Press Enterprise Newspaper, the intolerant American Humanist Association located in Washington, D.C. lodged a complaint against the cross.

Fast forwarding thru this sad story. On March 6th, 2014 the Devaney family had to remove their cross from the road side. The above photo depicts Chad Devaney and his daughter Mercedez removing this beautiful cross.

This week I read through most of the comments in the Press Enterprise article. A consistent observation I made was the comment (or question) “why?” Why or how can humanists and atheists become so powerful and effective? Below is my response to that reasonable question.

First and foremost my condolences to the Devaney family. They have my love, prayers and support. My response here is for the readers in general (not just this wonderful family.) I have read thru most of the others comments. Yes it is very sad that these small ‘atheists and humanists associations’ have become so powerful. Why is that?

The answer is because most of the churches within America have become emergent and lukewarm. Perhaps the majority of pastors across America are running their churches like corporations (or companies.) The pastor is their CEO, and the congregation is their customer(s.) The CEO doesn’t want to lose any of his customers (business/money), so he runs the church in a way that will comfort and satisfy every customer.

Over the last several decades the role(s) of the ‘church’ within America have reversed. Professed believers believe that ‘church’ is going to that building that they call their church. When in fact the living body of blood washed born-again believers are the actual church. The majority of ‘churches’ across America either don’t understand that, or they don’t know how to APPLY and demonstrate it. Sadly most of America’s ‘church’ have surrendered to the enemy, as they hide within the four walls of their own church building.

This is not pleasing to the Lord. Consequently, our sovereign Lord is allowing these troubles to increase, and I believe the Lord is removing His Lampstand from Americas’ churchianity.

Jesus warned in Matthew 5:13, “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.”

America’s pseudo-Christianity has formed Jesus into a figment of their own imagination (idolatry,) rather than submit themselves to the image of Jesus – as the Christ (according to His Gospel.) Most of America (and much of the professed ‘church’) follows an unbiblical Jesus, a different spirit, and a watered down truncated gospel (2 Corinthians 11:4).

Though Jesus is the Prince of Peace. He also said in Matthew 10:34, “Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword.”

The same Jesus that is kind, loving, gracious and merciful; is also a Righteous, Just, Judge and Mighty Conqueror. The same Jesus that is the Rock of my salvation, will be the Rock that will crush His enemies into powder. These atheists and humanists are in fact enemies of Christ, as I once was (Col 1:21 & Rom 5:10). They are from the spirit of the anti-Christ (1 John 4:3).

If you are a Christian reading this, please be enCOURAGED knowing that these pains that we go thru (which will increase,) are only temporary. Frankly the pains that those ‘enemies of Christ’ will endure, will be for an eternity. Eternity is a very very long time. Jesus warned that His wrath abides upon them (John 3:36).

Dear readers, if you are a Christian, let the following Scripture be embedded on your hearts, minds, demonstrated thru your lives, and written on your grave stones. “For I am already being poured out as a drink offering, and the time of my departure has come. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, will award to me on that Day, and not only to me but also to all who have loved his appearing” (2nd Timothy 4:6-8).

Lastly, to the beloved Devaney’s. If there is anything I can do for you, please let me know. I will try to make your sons ceremony on March 22nd. I pray many others will to.

Bill Rhetts
IPOC Ministries

According to the PE paper, the Memorial Dedication Ceremony will be as detailed below.

What: Dedication of a plaque and tree commemorating the life of Anthony Vincent Devaney
When: 3:30 p.m. Saturday, March 22
Where: McVicker Canyon Park, 29355 Grand Ave., Lake Elsinore

Update: I was able to attend their memorial dedication ceremony. It was a well attend event.

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