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Is Actor James Earl Jones “RIP?”

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The death of actor James Earl Jones further revealed how many professing Christians are the Simpletons the Scriptures warned about. As they ignorantly and ecumenically declared Jones to be in “heaven” where he is now “Resting in Peace” or, “RIP.”

We are not omniscient, so I cannot tell you where Jones soul will spend an eternity (heaven or hell). But one thing is certain. According to the Scriptures, it does not look good for Jones. His Roman Catholicism is unbiblical, contra Scriptura, and contradicts a Biblical soteriology. It’s full of heresies, idolatry, and doctrines of demons.   

One of the most frightening passages is Matthew 7:21-23. Forgive me for my loose paraphrase, but will this be Jones on Judgement Day?

“But Lord, I did many wonderful works. I did theatre on Broadway. I was an award-winning Actor. I was the voice of Darth Vader in Star Wars. I was Mufasa in The Lion King. I was a Roman Catholic. I even read the New Testament in KJV. And the whole world loved me!”

In that passage, the Lord told those who thought they were in good standing with the Lord, “And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”

The only ones that will “RIP,” are blood-bought repented born-again followers of Christ. To know more about our need for salvation, please read the Gospel below. It is good news for the elect.


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