Elder Jerry Johnson rightfully refutes the errs and false teachings of ‘dispensationalism’ (5 short videos)
In the below videos, Elder Jerry Johnson rightfully refutes the errs and false teachings of “dispensationalism,” as well as the various forms of #dispensationalism
I am a former Dispensationalist today I still have to fight against that former teaching. Dispensationalism is not just one error. Dispensationalism is the mothership that leads to many other errors. And saying I’m only a “leaky dispensationalist,” is tantamount to saying ‘I only have a little cancer.’ When an oncologist removes cancer, they don’t just remove cancer seen only on the surface of the skin. They surgically remove the root of the cancer. And so that is how Dispensationalism must be treated, including “Leaky Dispensationalism.
And, when Calvinists and Reformers accept, tolerate, and/or acquiesce to Leaky-Dispensationalism, they are enabling Dispensationalism. When they tolerate Arminianism (aka Semi-Pelagianism), they are negotiating with Pelagianism. Because a little leaven leavens the whole lump. Semper Reformanda!
Dispensationalists Don’t Believe That!
Is Dispensationalism Anti-Semitic?
“Join host Jerry Johnson for this week’s edition of “Against the World – Is Dispensationlism Anti-Semitic?” Christians who do not agree with the unBiblical teaching of dispensationalism, specifically as it relates to the modern geo-political nation of Israel are often referred to as racists and anti-Semitic, but what about dispensationalist?”
I Was Robbed by Dispensationalism
“Join host Jerry Johnson as he discusses what would cause a man, a preacher of the gospel to say the following, “I thank you sir….They had taken from me the Sermon on the Mount…”, in this week’s edition of Against the World.”
Is Dispensationalism Guilty of Replacement Theology?
“Join host and President of NiceneCouncil.com Jerry Johnson as he has a roundtable discussion regarding the Church/Israel relationship respond to statements from Dispensationalists that claim that Covenant Theologians are guilty of Replacement Theology. The video answers many questions including “What is Anti-Semitism?”, “Is the modern state of Israel relevant to Bible Prophecy?”, “How has the Church down through history viewed the Church/Israel relationship?”, “Who did Jesus and the apostles say were the true Israel?” and many more. This video will be available at NiceneCouncil.com the first week of July 2011.”
The Church & Israel
“Join host Jerry Johnson for this week’s edition of “Against the World”, as Jerry discusses how he noticed that the monikers, names, and labels God used for Israel in the Old Testament were applied to the Church in the New Testament.”
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I was recently asked, “Does Doctrine affect your politics?” The answer is yes, for starts.
When I was a dispensationalist, it was common for me to often interpret the word ‘Israel’ in the Bible as the nation of Israel geographically, or Israel geopolitically, or as the people of the nation of Israel. But as the Lord sanctified me from dispensationalism to covenant theology, I began to see Israel more and more as the church (aka the true Israel). Albeit not to the point of total replacement theology.
Nonetheless, God has His remnant in the nation of Israel as well as the United States.
Today’s dispensationalists will tell you they are looking for a President that is pro-Israel (the nation).
Today I’m looking for a President that firstly, has a high view of the Godhead, according to His immutable Scriptures, and the true Israel – His church, or His elect. Secondly, that has a higher view of America than any other nation.
#Marcionism, is a heresy that has been going on since the second century. And this view is still held by many dispensationalists thru their #dispensationalism today.
“In some regards, Marcionism initiated the question of the inclusion or exclusion of certain books. The heretical leader Marcion (AD 160), who considered the Hebrew God to be barbaric, acknowledged as canonical only a variant of the Gospel of Luke and 10 of Paul’s letters. This drastic move in some ways forced the Church to become fully conscious of its inheritance of apostolic teachings and writings, and to clarify its view on the Jewish Scriptures. At this point, the Church essentially agreed to keep the Old Testament as part of Christian sacred readings.
For further details on Marcion and why the early church deemed him heretical, see these articles: Marcion; Gospel of Marcion.”
(Sylvie T. Raquel, “Canon, New Testament,” ed. John D. Barry et al., The Lexham Bible Dictionary (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2016).)