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“Reformed” pastor wrongfully teaches a universal love – aka Arminianism

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While Jeff Durbin wrongfully teaches God loves everyone, the Scriptures are clear God does not love everyone, He hates some. I thank our Lord for the ad-intra goodness He has done through Jeff Durbin. But since Durbin is teaching this erroneous universal love to such a large online audience, and since he has a big following, this podcast is necessary. Durbin’s idol worshippers may come after me. But this is not a secondary issue, and so I will not “take it down!” Only by the grace of God so go I. I am nothing but a scumbag – excrement in His Holy hand.

#Arminianism #Universalism #polemics #apologetics #GodsLove #ReformedTheology #Evangelism #BiblicalEvangelism

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