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Streets preachers from the USA, preach in Israel until an armed soldier stop them

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These brothers from America preach until an Israeli officer with a fully automatic weapon takes them away. I’ve had the privilege to preach with one of them here in the USA.

I cringe at the thought of the MILLIONS of dollars that local churches within America spend each year. So that their sheep can go to Israel (and other places) for nothing more than a learning experience, a paid vacation, and/or a gloried field trip. To do so without primarily sharing the Gospel is self-serving and gratuitous. Most “missionaries” today are humanitarians that build huts and relationships. But the Bible does command Christians to go out and preach His glorious Gospel, and to make disciples, even be willing to lay down their lives for the cause of Christ. I have a great deal of respect for Heralds that do the latter, and most of them have video evidence of their Gospel centric labor.

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