The “altar calls” or “invitations” seen in churches are not Biblical, they are anti-biblical
The “altar calls” or “invitations” seen in churches (or events) are not Biblical. They are anti-biblical, idolatrous, and/or perhaps even a type of anti-Christ. Altar calls are nothing more than a pragmatic, emotionally driven, decision-making experience, that manipulates simpletons while impersonating Christ and creating a counterfeit Christianity. That’s why we have so many goats today ‘believing’ they’re sheep. Or sinfully making them believe they had something to do with their alleged salvation.
However, an altar can be found in the Bible. That altar was a place where something had to die. Something unblemished and perfect had to be slain as a sacrifice. For the new covenant, Christ Jesus became the perfect, sinless, spotless sacrificial Lamb of God who was slain as He atoned for the sins of His church. Christ is the mercy seat; He is the only altar of salvation. That is what His cross and the Holy Communion table represent. The Lord’s supper is a visible manifestation of the Gospel. Having said that, when the Lord saves His elect they will flee to Christ, not by invitation to a postmodern altar call.
As John Owen said, “The altar that we now have is Christ alone and his sacrifice!”
As Matthew Henry said to Christians. “We have an altar, not a material altar, but a personal one, and that is Christ; he is both our altar, and our sacrifice; he sanctifies the gift. The altars under the law were types of Christ; the brazen altar of the sacrifice, the golden altar of his intercession.”
Lastly, the Gospel is a command not an invitation. Repent and believe the Gospel.