October 5, 2024
The Ave Maria prayer @ Trump rally is a viol of the first three Commandments
As a former Roman Catholic, I say this. The ‘Ave Maria’ prayer sung at the Trump rally is a direct violation of the first three Commandments,
- Putting gods before God
- Idolatry and
- Blasphemy.
The song below is an idolatrous prayer to Mary, as their mediator and intercessor. As they pray for the dead in hopes they’ll be forgiven in a purgatory that does not exist.
I’ve never voted for a Democrat and never will. I realize Trump is not a Christian. According to the world’s standards, he’s a far better choice than Biden or Harris. Nonetheless, Christians (the elect) should not acquiesce to this prayer, his ecumenicalism, nor his interfaith movement, as many alleged Christians are. God is a jealous God.
Semper Reformanda!