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The Ave Maria prayer @ Trump rally is a viol of the first three Commandments

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As a former Roman Catholic myself. The ‘Ave Maria’ is a direct violation of the first three Commandments

  1. Putting gods before God
  2. Idolatry
  3. Blasphemy.

The song below is an idolatrous prayer to Mary as their mediator and intercessor. As they pray for the dead in hopes they’ll be forgiven in purgatory that does not exist.

I’ve never voted for a Democrat and never will. I realize Trump is not a Christian. According to the world’s standards, he’s a far better choice than Biden or Harris. But Christians (the elect) should not acquiesce to this prayer, his ecumenicalism, nor his interfaith movement, as many alleged Christians are. God is a jealous God.

Semper Reformanda!

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