March 26, 2021
The signs of a healthy & biblical Church & how I used my COVID stimulus funds to resist socialism – Podcast #41
The signs of a healthy & biblical Church & how I used my COVID stimulus funds to resist socialism – Podcast #41
When a Christian applies for membership at a local church. It becomes a solemn duty of that church to investigate the candidate before extending their right hand of fellowship to him or her. It is equally the responsibility of that Christian to investigate all matters of that church, before asserting himself as a candidate. The responsibility is two-fold.
Update: Here’s one of the ways I give via this giving campaign.
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Ponder this foreign thought.
A sign of a healthy autonomous church is there will be no need to rely on Christians (or their resources) from outside churches or ministries. But instead, they will use their gifted members from within.
When a Christian applies for membership at a local church. It becomes a solemn duty of that church to investigate the candidate before extending their right hand of fellowship to him or her. It is equally the responsibility of that Christian to investigate all matters of that church, before asserting himself as a candidate. The responsibility is two-fold.
As we diligently and discerningly examine churches to consider our home (a dozen). One anomaly consistently exists in all of them. None of them have a plurality of Elders, and almost all of them use their deacons to wrongfully exhibit the office and authority of elders/overseer, when their role should be servant, not a shepherd. Though I will not allow this anomaly to prevent us from becoming part of a local church. But it might keep us from membership. Much to pray about.
As Sam Waldron writes on paragraph 7 of chapter 26 of our Confession, “Third, the norm is a plurality of elders in each local church. This is the clear implication of both the Bible and the Confession. No instance of a New Testament church with only one elder exists. Universally, a plurality of elders is mentioned (Acts 14:23; 20:17; Phil 1:1. 1 Thess. 5:12; Titus 1:5; Heb. 13:17; James 5:14).”
Regarding the bipartisan “Social Security Fairness Act” which “eliminates Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) retroactive to January 2024.” I have one question. Are social and fiscal conservatives a dying breed?
After viewing tons of comments in public service retiree Facebook groups and their entitlement attitude toward their increases and retroactive payments, I am even more convinced that Millennials are not the worst when it comes to the “I’m entitled” culture. Seeing their online chatter solidifies my previous position. The Silent Generation, Baby Boomers & Gen X generations foster an entitlement attitude just like the Millennial generation. Some of them are worse. And the Debt Clock keeps on ticking at 36 Trillion +.
#Socialism #SocialismSucks #SSA