Vice President Mike Pence, a professing Christian, endorses, praises, and swears-in homosexual Richard Grenell as a U.S. Ambassador to Germany, as his homosexual “partner” holds the Bible

First and foremost, I am thankful for the right decisions that Trump and Pence have made. However this brings reproach to Christ, hence it needs to be called out publicly.
During their 2016 Presidential campaign, it was clear that Trump was an advocate for the homosexual agenda. He also stated that he does not need the forgiveness of sin(s), and/or no need to repent.
When Pence was asked about his “faith,” he attributed his professed salvation to his own “decision” for Christ (aka ‘decisional regeneration’). Mr. Pence, our “decisions” are not salvific, salvation is the monergistic work of the Godhead.
Fast-forwarding to today.
Pence did not merely swear-in Grenell because he thought perhaps he was obligated to do so. But with much joy and passion Pence stated this was his “great privilege,” and that Grenell is an “outstanding man,” as Pence acknowledged (concedes to) his “partner,” and that all of this was his “high honor” to do so.
Mr. Pence, to ask a homosexual man to “place your left hand on that Big Bible,” while his homosexual “partner” holds the Holy Scriptures while leading him through an oath in the name of “God,” is theologically and morally reprehensible, and frankly blasphemy.
Last week I did an expository teaching on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. I shared how most of America’s Christendom is no longer being “watchful.” This Grenell story is exactly what I was talking about, but worse, that many ‘professing’ Christians have acquiesced to this. This is yet more evidence why I can no longer be “proud to be an American.” A U.S. Ambassador represents Americans. America has become so depraved, that I believe Grenell is an accurate representation of America.
But the Lord’s true blood-bought repented church must be set apart from this-worldliness. The Scriptures refer to born-again Christians as “ambassadors for Christ” (a representative of Christ). Mr. Pence, your actions are incongruous to a Biblical ambassador of Christ. I implore you to examine the Scriptures, to test yourself, to see if you are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). I would begin that examination process by comparing yourself (and your policies), to the first two Epistles of John.
I’m convinced that if our choices for President in the 2024 election were only a liberal Democrat or a homosexual Republican, I suspect a majority of ‘professing’ Christians would vote for the Republican. They might even go as far as to say “he’s a Christian” (because he said he was).
It says in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
Here’s the video evidence. Prayers up!
Update Feb, 2020: Two years later, President Trump elevated Richard Grenell to the highest level ever held by a homosexual, a cabinet level as the acting Director of National Intelligence. More here.
Update 2022: Four years later, Trump boasted in agreement that he is “the most pro-gay president” in America’s history.
Update: Dec 2022: Trump and feminist Kari Lake continue their homosexual agenda at Mar-A-Lago homo event.
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Oh how so many have sold their souls to Trump, and his pro homosexual ‘socialized medicine’ agenda. From the start of his campaign, Trump has been a supporter of the homosexual agenda. Then after their election, Pence praised two homosexual men, as he (Pence) sworn one in as a U.S. Ambassador (with his hand on the Bible). And now that Ambassador’s agenda is to ‘decriminalize homosexuality’ in other parts of the world (no wonder why Muslims hate us). And now Trump spends hundreds of millions of taxpayer’s dollars, to better enable homosexuals to continue their acts of sodomy and oral copulation. Trump has been an advocate of sexual immorality, and unless the LORD saves him; it’s going to get worse. Let me make this very clear. Unless it is GODS will, there will never be a cure for AIDS, never. The best form of HIV AIDS prevention is abstinence. And the only form of ‘safe sex,’ is ‘normal sex’ between one man, and one woman, that are lawfully (Biblically) wed. Trump, Jesus said twice in Luke 13, unless you repent, you will all likewise perish. And the Bible also says, do not be deceived, for God will not be mocked, and you Trump are mocking him.
UPDATE MARCH 2021: The sexually immoral Trump-Pence administration is “launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it’s still illegal to be gay.” As I’ve stated before, our wicked anti-God nation continues to legislate immorality from the highest levels of legislative jurisprudence; but now they are forcing their abominations and ‘national sins’ upon other countries. Ironically this sodomite U.S. Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, “the highest-profile openly gay person in the Trump administration, is leading the effort.” This is the same Ambassador that Vice President Pence praised, endorsed, and congratulated. And the sad thing is, perhaps a majority of ‘professing’ (alleged) Christians are endorsing and ushering-in this detestable lawlessness. How dare they irresponsibly declare that Trump and Pence are born-again. It is only by God’s grace and mercy that He has not decimated amerika yet. But believe me, His judgment is overdue, and is coming soon; and I will rejoice in our sufferings. Whether our destruction be directly by the hands of Almighty God, or that He would decree our enemy nations to annihilate us, since some have the ability to do so now; I say Lord let Your will be done. More on this update here
UPDATE JAN 2021: By the end of the Trump/Pence Presidency, they had promoted Richard Grenell to more powerful & prestigious positions than this.
UPDATE JAN 24 2021: John MacArthur is now boldly rebuking the now President Biden for “Placing his hand on the Bible” during the inauguration. Hence my Tweet.
TWEET: Hey Hypocritic. If it’s wrong for Biden to “place his hand on the Bible” (which it is), then it’s also wrong for Trump to do the same. As it was wrong for Pence to tell a homosexual to place his hand on the Bible. But I forgot, you endorsed the latter. Get that log out of your eye!
A quality of Trump I appreciate is his willingness to go against the establishment while keeping his best interest for the people. We need pastors that will go against the establishment, keeping their congregations in their best interest, not trying to be liked by the establishment. I loathe the establishment.
If Hillary Clinton is calling pro homosexual Republicans “right wing extremists” I can only imagine what she’d call me.
Today I voted as a registered Christian. I can hardly wait to watch the faithless panic when they wake up in the morning. I can hardly wait until the 2024 presidential election .
But the Lord (‘ădônây), the Master of the universe already knows who the winners and losers are, He even decreed it beforehand. Therefore, He’s not sitting in heaven biting on His nails saying, ‘Oh no, I didn’t see that coming. What am I going to do?’
But God, who sits in heaven (yâshab) will laugh (śâchaq) at the unfaithful complainers. His Holy laughter, an expression of His sovereignty, will joyfully mock, ridicule, and scoff the faithless, the prideful, and the rebellious. Oh Lord, let Your will be done. – Psalm 2:4
Do you know Him? But more importantly, does He know you in a salvific way?
#Election2022 #ElectionResults #2022GeneralElection
I loathe the entire Democrat party. But I also loathe pro-homosexual Republicans like Donald Trump, Kari Lake (a feminazi), and their cronies. Because of my Christian conscience and Biblical convictions, I did not vote for Trump in the 1st election nor the 2nd, and I will not vote for him in the next, as he continues to propel the homosexual agenda. Lord, let Your will be done with this anti-Biblical Nation, and her corrupted Christendom.
#KariLake #LogCabinRepublicans #MarALago #2024Election
Melania Trump and her work with Log Cabin Republicans.
Trump has always been an advocate and promoter of the homosexual agenda. He even agreed that he was ”the most pro-gay president in America’s history.” Including hosting gay weddings at his Mar-a-Lago resort. And let us not forget the blasphemy Pence committed in the Whitehouse with two Homos and their “big black Bible.”