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Vice President Mike Pence, a professing Christian, endorses, praises, and swears-in homosexual Richard Grenell as a U.S. Ambassador to Germany, as his homosexual “partner” holds the Bible

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First and foremost, I am thankful for the right decisions that Trump and Pence have made. However this brings reproach to Christ, hence it needs to be called out publicly.

During their 2016 Presidential campaign, it was clear that Trump was an advocate for the homosexual agenda. He also stated that he does not need the forgiveness of sin(s), and/or no need to repent.

When Pence was asked about his “faith,” he attributed his professed salvation to his own “decision” for Christ (aka ‘decisional regeneration’). Mr. Pence, our “decisions” are not salvific, salvation is the monergistic work of the Godhead.

Fast-forwarding to today.

Pence did not merely swear-in Grenell because he thought perhaps he was obligated to do so. But with much joy and passion Pence stated this was his “great privilege,” and that Grenell is an “outstanding man,” as Pence acknowledged (concedes to) his “partner,” and that all of this was his “high honor” to do so.

Mr. Pence, to ask a homosexual man to “place your left hand on that Big Bible,” while his homosexual “partner” holds the Holy Scriptures while leading him through an oath in the name of “God,” is theologically and morally reprehensible, and frankly blasphemy.

Last week I did an expository teaching on the Parable of the Ten Virgins. I shared how most of America’s Christendom is no longer being “watchful.” This Grenell story is exactly what I was talking about, but worse, that many ‘professing’ Christians have acquiesced to this. This is yet more evidence why I can no longer be “proud to be an American.” A U.S. Ambassador represents Americans. America has become so depraved, that I believe Grenell is an accurate representation of America. 

But the Lord’s true blood-bought repented church must be set apart from this-worldliness. The Scriptures refer to born-again Christians as “ambassadors for Christ” (a representative of Christ). Mr. Pence, your actions are incongruous to a Biblical ambassador of Christ. I implore you to examine the Scriptures, to test yourself, to see if you are in the faith (2 Cor. 13:5). I would begin that examination process by comparing yourself (and your policies), to the first two Epistles of John.

I’m convinced that if our choices for President in the 2024 election were only a liberal Democrat or a homosexual Republican, I suspect a majority of ‘professing’ Christians would vote for the Republican. They might even go as far as to say “he’s a Christian” (because he said he was).

It says in Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”

Here’s the video evidence. Prayers up!

Update Feb, 2020: Two years later, President Trump elevated Richard Grenell to the highest level ever held by a homosexual, a cabinet level as the acting Director of National Intelligence. More here. 

Update 2022: Four years later, Trump boasted in agreement that he is “the most pro-gay president” in America’s history.

Update: Dec 2022: Trump and feminist Kari Lake continue their homosexual agenda at Mar-A-Lago homo event.


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