Video of preaching in Downtown Riverside on easy believism, repentance, & salvation (with 1 bad interruption & 1 good interruption)
Open-air preaching in Downtown Riverside on easy believism, repentance, & salvation (with 1 bad interruption & 1 good interruption)
There were many people sitting down eating in the outdoor food court. I warned them of easy-believism, by telling the story of how a pro-life ‘believer,’ was recently offended by a Biblical message I gave; and what was later revealed about him.
One woman professing to be a Christian, attempted to encumber my message. Then later a man approached advising he needed his child prayed over. Please pray for this little girl, and her family (we spoke afterwards.)
After that brief prayer, I then warned those still eating; that ‘religion has sent more people to hell, than all the bars in this universe.’ Subscribe to my YouTube channel here.