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Video Pursuing Alleged Hit & Run Suspect from San Bernardino into Redlands

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I observed this vehicle with fresh TC damage, and its engine hood over its windshield. According to CHP dispatch, it was involved in a hit and run in the city of Colton (allegedly). I followed the vehicle into the city of Redlands, whereas RPD took over communications with me.

Due to one of the Redlands police vehicles involved at the end, I almost did not post this. However an actual undercover officer (or vehicle) would never have emergency equipment on their vehicle, nor would they engage in the traffic stop. Having worked an actual undercover assignment, we did not involve ourselves in normal crimes nor scenes like this.

Therefore I do not believe I am compromising the police dept. The officer seen getting my business card, has responded to calls where I was the suspect, preaching at outside local strip club. It’s always been a pleasure to shake his hand.

The driver of this vehicle is to be considered innocent unless proven guilty in a court of law. I followed this vehicle for a total of 22-minutes, the following is a 4-minute edit. Except for the last clip, I removed my audio.


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