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Category: BLOG

Don’t launder your money thru Disney, a sinful…

Are you a Disneyland believer? Professing Christians, and especially churches should not be associated with Disney in any form. Only by the grace of God so go the wretched man I am. An excerpt. #Disney #Disneyland #Disneyworld #Repentance #Holiness #Sanctification #NOTW #AgainstTheWorld #Testimonies #MoneyLaundering

Pastor relates Bruce Willis & Diehard to Jesus – Blasphemy alert!

Having said all this. Discernment is not the ability to see and expose the more obvious and egregious violations of a regulative principle of worship like this. Biblical discernment is the ability to detect the lessor violations because a little leaven leavens the whole lump.  The solution to this sinister minister and their not a