Matt Walsh with booze on his table (via his Facebook timeline)
I see many friends on Facebook sharing posts from a popular blogger by the name of Matt Walsh. I do love and respect my friends, whom have Walsh’s posts on their wall.
Nonetheless, yesterday for the first time I clicked on one of Walsh’s articles, on his Facebook page; but only to be perplexed. What was I perplexed at?
Walsh’s timeline photo depicts him sitting at a desk, with a large bottle of bourbon whiskey, and a whisky glass. “91” of his friends ‘liked’ that photo.
One commenter advised that it’s “Woodford Reserve” whiskey.
I would encourage you to watch my video commentary, on what the whole counsel of the Word of God says about alcohol (click on link below.)
Walsh has a large sphere of influence. His Facebook page has 72,453 likes, and according to Facebook “28,993” of his fans are sharing his posts.
I cannot judge Walsh’s heart, nor his motive. But his photo has emergent, wordiness, and carnality written all over it. When Christians – in your face -abuse God’s, I call them ‘graceholics.’ I know, I used to be one of them. By the grace of God, so go I.
Shall we encourage Christians to drink? Or should we encourage them to not drink? Brethren, I encourage you to take the higher road. It really is better to not drink. Likewise for the sake of the bride of Christ, don’t promote it. My words may not be politically correct, but I believe they are Biblically correct. That’s not legalism, that’s Christendom.
My video on alcohol here
About The Author
Bill Rhetts
An ordinary sinner saved by an Extraordinary Savior. Radically saved, and radically changed, by a Radical God. For more details, see the above 'About me' tab.