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The Doctrine of the Goodness of God, Systematic Theology

I present to you the communicable attribute of God’s Goodness (aka Bonitas Dei). I also explain the difference between the ad extra goodness of God and His ad intra goodness. How can the elect benefit from His ad intra goodness, and how the non-elect benefits from His ad extra goodness. As I said in this

What is a Reformed Church? Are you a RINO?

No, this presentation is not political. The RINO I spoke of is a church, or person that is Reformed In Name Only. This is a historical overview of a Reformed – Calvinist church. Regretfully I failed to mention the importance of covenant theology over the errs of dispensationalism that have crept into some so-called “reformed”

Desperate “Christians” rallying for feminist Kari Lake

I miss the days we voted privately inside a booth, pulling the curtain behind us. And we had no internet to tell everyone how we voted. But today, the internet reveals just how compromised and even desperate many professing Christians have become. Some bear a bad witness seemingly being more faithless than faithful. COVID and

A perimeter alarm notified we had an intruder at the chicken coop

During the graveyard shift, a perimeter alarm notified we had an intruder at the chicken coop. Inside the chicken yard where the Deer don’t graze. Investigation revealed it was this Nine-banded Armadillo trying to dig underneath the coop, and the upset Rooster was warning his girls. Armadillos are the only mammal that carry and transfer

Two National sins are on next week’s ballet

Though my sins as a straight man are many, it’s troubling how many ‘professing’ Christians have sinfully normalized, equalized, and/or acquiesced to homosexuality as being no different from other sins. Historically, abortion and homosexuality were known as national sins. It was normal to expect professing Christians to consider how their presidential candidates positioned themselves on

Must see documentary ‘The Real David Platt’ and his apostasy, Parts 1&2

This documentary, ‘The Real David Platt’ was originally published on this website. In this documentary, you will hear from former and current members of McLean Bible Church in Washington, D.C. They reveal including but not limited to. Part 1 of 2: Platt no longer preaches proper expository teaching. No more proper exegesis, or proper hermeneutical

Kamala Harris is mounting pulpits like a Bull mounting a Heifer

Understandably, Christians are troubled that Kamala Harris is speaking at many so-called churches. But put your ‘race card’ away. Because white female politicians are sinfully doing the same. As well as women in churches all over America. And I am not ashamed to call it a sinful rebellion. Feminists, pro-feminists, and proud feminists will disagree,
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