The death of actor James Earl Jones further revealed how many professing Christians are the Simpletons the Scriptures warned about. As they ignorantly and ecumenically declared Jones to be in “heaven” where he is now “Resting in Peace” or, “RIP.” We are not omniscient, so I cannot tell you where Jones soul will spend an
In this story, a black lady in South Central Los Angeles was illegally carrying a loaded and concealed firearm in her vehicle. I invoked the lesser magistrate doctrine, resisted the unjust California law, and did not arrest her. Doctrine Matters, Semper Reformanda! #2A #LesserMagistrate #LesserMagistrates #GunRights #SelfDefense #DoctrineMatters #ResistTyranny #ResistTyrants
Professing Christians may have the liberty to pledge their allegiance to the flag of the United States. But that should never be done in the Lord’s sanctuary. I, as a conscientious objector, will exercise my duty to resist such idolatry and pledge my allegiance to Christ alone. OK, the above was 279 characters of the
This is an excellent levelheaded video. But is more beneficial for those who live in rural areas. Urban warfare will be more close-quarter contact or combat. Whatever your situation is. You should acquire the training, skills, and knowledge for both environments. Severe civil unrest would be easy to discern and depict friends versus foes. But
This podcast is my response to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna’s narcissistic pornographic selfies and videos. Feminists, pro-feminists, and proud feminists will disagree, but my position is Biblical. The aforementioned sermon Women Civil Magistrates? by Dr. Joe Morecraft can be heard here. The sermon Ladies, Does How You Dress Cause Men to Lust? by Al Martin
While this “reformed” pastor wrongfully teaches God loves everyone, the Scriptures are clear God does not love everyone, He hates some. I thank our Lord for the ad-intra goodness He has done through this pastor. But since he is teaching this erroneous universal love to such a large online audience, and since he has a
Sproul mentioned how many are sinfully preached into heaven at funerals. That false converts and the unregenerate “They think they can get through the narrow door – by living on Broadway.” But as Jesus said in Matthew 7:13-14, “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way,
Many churches that claim to be reformed, but are not, are either ignorant or disingenuous. Hopefully not the latter. A reformed church is orthodox, not heterodox, and they practice a regulative principle of worship, hence orthopraxy. An evidence of this can be their liturgy includes the Psalmody – the singing Psalms from the book of
Despite my repetitiveness and fumbling of words, I hope my message is clear. We must strive to obey the First of the Greatest Two Commandments before telling others to obey the Second. The Triunity of the Godhead, His Law, the Gospel, and His Scriptures must be the Vanguard of the pro-life movement. Lest ‘the cause’
Today’s election day. Though I’ve never voted Democrat, and never will. I won’t be voting for any moderate Republicans, females (aka feminism), emasculated men, or any man who’s not a consistent opponent of national sins – abortion and homosexuality. I refuse to be part of the establishment that says we have to vote for one