In these Podcasts, I will discuss Theology, Doctrine, and a Christian worldview on current events, controversial topics, law enforcement issues, and/or the criminal justice system (former CJ Instructor). To do so while demonstrating apologetics* (1 Pet. 3:15), and polemics ** (2 Cor.10:5). And to contend for the faith, expose evil with a Biblical love, instruct in doctrine, warn against false teachers (or teachings); and all for to glorify my Father (Jude 3, Eph. 5:1-2, 1 Tim. 1:3-11, Titus 1:9, Matt. 5:16).
Eventually, Lord willing, if I figure out this podcast phenomena, I will prerecord telephonic interviews of guests through my RØDECaster™ Pro integrated production system.
* Though I engage in apologetics, I do not consider myself an apologist, and I rarely upload my conversations evangelizing others. As I stated in another post, “Every born-again Christian is called to evangelize, but not every Christian is an evangelist (which I am). And the same goes with apologetics. Every Christian is called to engage in apologetics, but not every Christian is an apologist (which I am not).” Frankly I see too much boasting, pride, and man-centeredness amongst those who call themselves apologists; and God is a jealous God. Biblical apologetics will contend for the faith, and defend the faith, as well as sound doctrine while worshiping Christ. On the contrary, Americanized apologetics is very man-centered, as they defend their favorite preachers or their celebrity pastors. What type of apologist are you? Moreover, as Dr. Voddie Baucham said, “Is your apologetics calling God a liar?” Because the Gospel is the power of God onto salvation. Through all of my evangelism and/or apologetics efforts, I have never been successful in getting a sinner to repent, convert, or change their mind otherwise. Because it is GOD who does this, not me. I’m nothing but a worm in His hand. Let us boast 100% in Him, not in ourselves.
** Polemics. “The art of disputation or controversy (the defense of a thesis by formal logic). A polemic can also be the aggressive refutation of another position or principle. In theology polemics often refers to the attempt to show the superiority of Christian teaching over its rivals by means of a systematic, ordered delineation of the Christian belief system (a systematic theology) that shows the internal consistency of Christian doctrine as well as its congruence with human knowledge as a whole. See also irenics.” 1
- Grenz, S., Guretzki, D., & Nordling, C. F. (1999). Pocket dictionary of theological terms (p. 92). Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.