There is always news about presidential pardons at the end of each presidency. But today I woke up to Bidens corrupt “preemptive pardons.” But not long after getting frustrated with that news, I am reminded about the Good News for God’s elect. The fact is, not only did God pardon all of His elect, but
No, this presentation is not political. The RINO I spoke of is a church, or person that is Reformed In Name Only. This is a historical overview of a Reformed – Calvinist church. Regretfully I failed to mention the importance of covenant theology over the errs of dispensationalism that have crept into some so-called “reformed”
So many “churches” are like the world, while trying hard to say they’re not. Repackaging Halloween with Trunk-Or-Treat, Harvest, or Fall-O-Ween, is like putting lipstick on a pig. It’s a counterfeit Christianity. Their “Fall-O-Ween Jesus” is blasphemy. My words are gracious to those who claim their “Christian liberty” to do so as ‘individuals.’ But the
After the attempted assassination of our 45th President, Donald Trump, I see lots of conspiracy theorists posting their conspiracies. But as a confessional believer, one who is confessional in orthodoxy and orthopraxy, I say this. And all according to the Scriptures, and, as summarized in the 1689 Confession. Though our Lord is not the
In this PowerPoint, I present the doctrine of the sufficiency of Scripture and sola Scriptura vs. solo Scriptura. I also address the growing trend of “churches” that no longer practice this doctrine. “In this way the sola Scriptura first became a thesis and then received a polemical and hermeneutical function in the actual life of
Introduction I am seeing a Facebook meme passed around like popcorn. It was created by a professing Christian who named his ministry after himself. Making a first person – personal pronoun ministry named after yourself has always been a red flag to me. 🤮 I was going to name the man and his ministry and
I’m enjoying another exposition of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. This one is A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, edited by Rob Ventura. I just finished the first five chapters, and so far, I am well pleased. But I paid particular attention to chapter 3 on God’s Decree,
Happy Sabbath Day! This Lord’s Day is not about us, our families, our sports, our pleasures, our work, our recreation, our entertainment, or the false deity of me, myself, and I. But it is everything about our LORD. The Lord’s Fourth Commandment says, “Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou
Last night my wife and I enjoyed a trip to a quaint little town. We had a jeweler install a new battery in my watch, ate some delicious Italian food, then looked at some Christmas lights. And of course, handed out Gospel tracts at each location. But what would not escape my mind while watching
Over the last several years God has decreed many significant events to occur in America (and the world), and I believe they will increase. Whether they be mass causality incidents caused either by natural disasters or by man, God decreed them. But the two incidents that stand out the most, are the Corona Virus and the 2020