Many social media threads are smoking in regards to the H.R. 5 ‘Equality Act’ that Congress just passed, and soon our U.S. Senate will vote on it. If you would like to know more about this liberal anti-Christ anti-Church legislation, read the text here, or review the video below (not an endorsement of the 700
While doing expository teaching on this chapter, I also applied the importance of believing in the God of these Scriptures. As one woman yesterday that was killing her child at an abortion mill, claimed to already believe in both God and Jesus. I also discussed the importance of the Doctrine of Divine Impassibility, as well
I rarely upload evangelism videos anymore, but here’s one. This is an excerpt only; the private encounters and conversations were omitted. Too many professing Christians seemingly have made a golden calf out of the pro-life cause, perhaps even of the fetus. I watched a pro-life documentary, and oh, how it was man centered. The Triunity
Naturally so, this sermon will be hated by the world, but unnaturally it will be disliked by a large number of professing Christians. But I believe it is ‘providentially necessary’ to sound the trumpet. If I fear to preach it, then perhaps I am a hireling, not a shepherd.
Listen to this prolific provocative speech by the late Congressman Henry Hyde against Partial Birth Abortion. That was back when a large percentage of the Republican Party was the Grand Old Party. This Bill passed in 1976.
Had I been a woman, I would have taken Jane to Mimi’s Café down the street (it’s a chick place), as she seemed to want to be with us longer than we gave her. This is why we need more Christian women outside abortion mills. But ‘some’ women complain there are not enough men. As
Today was a busy day at this abortion mill (on a ‘kill day’). I was able to distribute many Gospel tracts and cry-out to those in the parking lot. And God interviewed with their security guard. He humbled himself allowing me to share the Gospel for about 15-20 minutes with him. Because of his humility
The locations I am the ‘least effective’ at are abortion mills. But on this day, the Lord decreed many Gospel presentations, and all but one accepted a Gospel tract. Nonetheless, God is Sovereign, even where babies are being murdered. This is the edited version, of this labor of love. This video premieres Sunday at 1:00PM
In the interest of being objective, this Roman Catholic is not much different than a majority of today’s professing Protestants. Whom will go out of their way to either silence Heralds, or lodge complaints against them. Though I call them “professing believers,” my 1689 LBCF refers to some as “temporary believers.” As I’ve warned for