Below is a must-see solidly reformed teaching by Sonny Hernandez on “Defense of Particular Grace in Light of Arminian Objections.” As well as a repudiation of the heretical teachings called common grace, universal grace, and universal love taught in most churches today, including alleged reformed churches. Only by the grace of God, so go the
As I write, I must admittedly say this. Only by the grace of God did He grant me repentance from the Arminianism seen in the below screenshot. Regretfully some of my former Arminianism still resurfaces on the internet. I hate that about me, but this is the now. In response to the ARMY Black Hawk
Sadly, most churches in West Tennessee closed their doors yesterday, because of a little snow. I don’t usually like satire or parodies. But at the beginning of COVID I did one parody, using a famous scene from the movie Downfall. Where the sinister Hitler was ranting & raving in a meeting with leaders. My parody
According to social media analytics Dr. Jordan D. Peterson has increasingly become highly popular among secular conservatives, but sadly among professing Christians. My social media feeds are flooded with advertisements from the secular news outlet The Daily Wire. They’ve hosted and platformed Peterson to teach a 10-part series on The Gospels, as he’s accompanied by
Having said all this. Discernment is not the ability to see and expose the more obvious and egregious violations of a regulative principle of worship like this. Biblical discernment is the ability to detect the lessor violations because a little leaven leavens the whole lump. The solution to this sinister minister and their not a
No, this presentation is not political. The RINO I spoke of is a church, or person that is Reformed In Name Only. This is a historical overview of a Reformed – Calvinist church. Regretfully I failed to mention the importance of covenant theology over the errs of dispensationalism that have crept into some so-called “reformed”
By God’s perfect providence, I saw this quote by Matt Walsh shared on social media. Further research showed its origin might be this 2018 Tweet. .The problem with this is Walsh belongs to the Roman Catholic Church, not the Catholic Church. In Reformed Theology, we Protestants teach that God’s true elect belong to the Catholic
If you want to Make America Great Again, Christians must first desire to Make the Church Great Again. This podcast is a Biblical charge to Christians to understand and deploy this biblical militant and combatant charge, which is the hapax legomenon in Jude 3, to epagōnizomai. Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto
While this “reformed” pastor wrongfully teaches God loves everyone, the Scriptures are clear God does not love everyone, He hates some. I thank our Lord for the ad-intra goodness He has done through this pastor. But since he is teaching this erroneous universal love to such a large online audience, and since he has a