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Tag: Apologetics

Short video on ‘Never lay down your Sword,’ by Dr. Voddie Baucham

This is one of the reasons why I often evangelize alone while doing outreaches. Too many Christians surrender their Swords, while spending too much time in dialog, negotiations, gimmicks, and casual conversationalism. Have they forgotten that salvation is monergistic? The most effective thing we can do, is preach (or share) the ‘whole counsel of God,’

Voddie Baucham warns of the trends of sentimentalism, emotionalism, mysticism & anti-intellectualism within the ‘church’

While speaking on apologetics, Dr. Voddie Baucham warns about the emergent churches 11th Commandment “Thou shall be nice.” As well as the trends of sentimentalism, emotionalism, mysticism and anti-intellectualism within the ‘church.’ Ever notice that those whom speak against a higher education, are usually those without it? Though there are some forms of education that