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Tag: Apologetics

The Hapax Legomenon in Jude 3 – a sermon excerpt

This is an excerpt from my sermon on Jude 1-4, to watch the whole sermon click here. If we want a healthy Christianity, we must do the following. Engage in Biblical apologetics (apologia). Obey the hapax legomenon to earnestly contend for the faith (epagōnizomai) and sound doctrine (hugiainō). The Greek application means to struggle with

The Phoebe phenomenon – what kind of Deacon was she?

I wish professing Christians would stop using the mention of Phoebe to wrongfully justify their unbiblical installations of female Deacons. When the Apostle Paul called Phoebe a “deacon” in Romans 16:1, he was not referring to, nor calling her by a title or office. The word “deacon” in Romans 16:1 is the Greek word diakonos, which means

A Reformed Baptist Pastor @ Planned Parenthood

I rarely upload evangelism videos anymore, but here’s one. This is an excerpt only; the private encounters and conversations were omitted. Too many professing Christians seemingly have made a golden calf out of the pro-life cause, perhaps even of the fetus. I watched a pro-life documentary, and oh, how it was man centered. The Triunity

An Exposition of Psalm 19, by Pastor Bill Rhetts 🌎

The theme in this chapter is the glory of God, praise, grace, and prayer. Matthew Henry said this of Psalm 19, “There are two excellent books which the great God has published for the instruction and edification of the children of men; this psalm treats of them both, and recommends them both to our diligent

Original Sin & the death of our 23-month-old grandson

These last several days have been a difficult time for my wife, myself, our children, and many family members. Our 23-month-old grandson was admitted into a hospital and was listed in grave condition. Sadly, today Lake succumbed to his medical distress. I am not writing this to invite you to my pity party. Instead, I

A Biblical rebuke of YouTuber Amy Rue

Amy Rue, I received your comment you submitted under this video. Since your comment was public, I will respond publicly. I see as of “Sept 10, 2020” you have a brand new YouTube channel. Is this so you can profess to be a Christian, then wrongfully criticize Heralds with your unbiblical (anti-Biblical) rhetoric? Amy, you