It’s one thing to err in our doctrine or teachings (as we all have, and sometimes sill unknowingly do). But it’s another thing to commit as much err seen in the below 85 second video. J.D. Greer, the President of the Southern Baptist Convention says the following about the historical accounts of the Bible. “I’m
Admittedly I am not a gifted writer. I err often (grammar, spelling, sentence structure etc.). Sadly I’ve erred in doctrine too. But when I realize it (the doctrine), thankfully the Lord convicts me, and grants me repentance. Furthermore our Theology and Ecclesiology matters, so since this was written by the President of their seminary, and
On 11/14/18 I posted my latest video on the ‘We Cannot Save America Unless We Recognize God’ Facebook Group. A member of that group (Jacquelyn Meyers) commented under that post, sharing her opposition to my method of evangelism. Below is a screenshot of my post, along with her comment; and below that screenshot, is my
I believe this review has provided an opportunity to teach, discern, edify, sanctify Christ’s bride (Holy Spirit willing), and to glorify the Lord. Recently while at a particular venue, the Pastor recommended a booklet being made available entitled ‘Homosexuality and the Bible,’ authored by R. Nicholas Black, and published by New Growth Press and Harvest
The following YouTuber submitted this comment today. He was present at the high school, when I preached the message that he is referring to. Averi thank you for your public comment. Your comment has been approved, and the following is my response. “Open rebuke is better than secret love. Faithful are the wounds of a
YouTuber ‘Meme Lord’ posted this comment under my recent video entitled, ‘When my ‘Independence Day’ became a dependence…’ The following is my well deserved response to him or her. Dear ‘Meme Lord,’ I generally do not reply to persons that cowardly hide behind fictitious names, but in this case, if you’ve got them meme, I’ve
Perhaps this might be the most important message I’ve ever uploaded to YouTube? Over the years we’ve heard this parable taught by many Bible teachers. But often times the teacher places too much emphasis on Israel, the wedding, the bride, the groom, and/or their culture. When in fact many teachers failed to concentrate on the
YouTuber Tom Dutch inputted the following comment under one of my videos. I believe Tom’s comment is reasonable. Therefore below is my response. Tom thank you for your comment. Yes you are partially correct, and yes perhaps I do say that too much. But let us not forget that the Apostle Paul referred to himself
This was an interesting day. I engaged in various methods of evangelism. From casual conversations, to engaging hostile enemies of Christ, to stop-light preaching, to crying-out, to witnessing to cults, to standing elevated heralding the Gospel, to the public reading of the Scriptures, to Biblically judging and Biblically rebuking a professing Christian, to distributing hundreds
The last time I engaged in an outreach at this cemetery, was for a police funeral. But today my city, their mayor, and members of their “Area Interfaith Council” hosted this ceremonial event. However since the Lord warned that born-again Christians are not to be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor 6:14-17), and that we