Forgive the selfie that’s not my Modus of Operandi. Unlike before, I’m enjoying my journey with this new beard. Here it’s only two ½ months old and has already been trimmed twice. I’ve learned some new things this time around. In California, our humidity was often a single digit, so my dry skin itched too
In my first year in Tennessee, I learned that our own Board of County Commissioners was considering eminent domain of the land of fellow citizens. Eminent domain is when the Government utilizes the power to seize the private property of their own citizens, with some compensation, with or without our consent, and use it for their
As I write, I must admittedly say this. Only by the grace of God did He grant me repentance from the Arminianism seen in the below screenshot. Regretfully some of my former Arminianism still resurfaces on the internet. I hate that about me, but this is the now. In response to the ARMY Black Hawk
I understand that according to the world’s standards, President Donald Trump, unregenerate as he is, is a better choice than Biden or Harris. Nonetheless, I’ve taken the narrow lonely road. Since 2016, I warned the church and the people that Trump had a pro-homosexual agenda. And Trump proved that to be the case (here, here,
This week’s “big storm” or “inclement weather” that the media warned us about in West Tennessee gave us only six inches of snow. It’s the same snow that stopped falling yesterday. The roads have been well-plowed, and the skies are now sunny, blue, and clear. But sadly, many local churches have advertised on Facebook that
According to social media analytics Dr. Jordan D. Peterson has increasingly become highly popular among secular conservatives, but sadly among professing Christians. My social media feeds are flooded with advertisements from the secular news outlet The Daily Wire. They’ve hosted and platformed Peterson to teach a 10-part series on The Gospels, as he’s accompanied by
Most “Christians” who rightfully said it was unbiblical for a woman to be our nation’s ‘Top Cop’ when Janet Reno was appointed, are now hypocritically giving their approval for the nomination of gun-grabbing Pam Bondi as our next U.S. Attorney General. In his first presidency, Donald Trump broke our nation’s record for elevating a homosexual
To most, a colonoscopy is a non-eventful medical procedure. But when I had my last colonoscopy, I endured a heart attack while in the recovery room. I remember the last words I heard was my wife saying, “Bill your lips are blue!” It was a blessing in disguise because it happened in the presence of
Disclaimer: This is not an article or a formal position paper. It is merely a blog post to informally share my position on this subject. Sadly, the following ‘D’ words have become dirty words in today’s evangelicalism. Most today have been brainwashed to believe the aforementioned words are negative. Without apology or reservation, I freely
Introduction I am seeing a Facebook meme passed around like popcorn. It was created by a professing Christian who named his ministry after himself. Making a first person – personal pronoun ministry named after yourself has always been a red flag to me. 🤮 I was going to name the man and his ministry and