In July of this year, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene spoke at the 412 Church in Murrieta, California. That news gained my attention for two reasons. First, this church is located in my Inland Empire region, and I’ll tell you the second reason later. I watched the video of Greene’s speech, and I agree with most
I understand most professing Christians that are a proponent of livestreaming will disagree with me. But I’m not trying to change their minds, nor will I argue with them on social media. If it’s God’s will, He will change their minds. And if I’m wrong, then perhaps He’ll change mine. If you disagree with me,
I’m going to go out on a limb with this public statement. Naturally, I will be hated and laughed at by the unregenerate world. But unnaturally, this will be rejected by many who profess to be born-again Christians. Nonetheless, I am seeing an increase in female anglers that believe it’s necessary to sexually exploit themselves
Recently on Facebook, a page called “The Chosen” kept popping up on my newsfeed. I then noticed that a large percentage of my Facebook friends ‘liked’ this page. But when I saw this page was a television series about Jesus, I decided to investigate a little further. According to this first post I saw on
Disclaimer: Though architecture is important, I am not speaking in the context of the architecture of the building. Nonetheless, I am speaking of how the congregation meets. Let me first say what a sanctuary is not. The sanctuary of a church is not a country club, a social club, a recreational room, a community center,
These last several days have been a difficult time for my wife, myself, our children, and many family members. Our 23-month-old grandson was admitted into a hospital and was listed in grave condition. Sadly, today Lake succumbed to his medical distress. I am not writing this to invite you to my pity party. Instead, I
I erred by watching too much news over these last two days, and that wasn’t good for my spiritual health, nor my blood pressure. Hence in this blog post, I will share just a few of my thoughts on this subject. First, the police administrators and their officers are utilizing a pragmatic policing rather than
One of the greatest setbacks amongst some denominations, is they have too many extra-biblical requirements for the office of elder, as well as for membership, and/or other positions. At one church, I was in the process of becoming a member. But they were a little taken back by my open-air ministry. To become a member they
Next week President Trump will have spent one TRILLION dollars fighting an invisible virus that God decreed, and is in absolute control of. That trillion will be added to our existing 23 trillion dollar debt. As the media sensationalizes this melodrama, he will use the taxpayers’ money to fund this socialist stimulus/bail-out package. He even
What is a Reformed Baptist Church and what do we believe concerning The Scriptures, Preaching, The Doctrines of Grace, Evangelism, and Worship? If I were to be asked, “What kind of a church are you?” I would not hesitate to reply, “We are a Baptist church!” We hold to those truths which have sometimes been