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Tag: Articles

A must read ‘Where are the Reformers Today?,’ by John J. Murray

This is a must read for Christians. Yes this is a serious problem today, as so many ‘professing’ Christians compromise. But I would be careful shifting all the blame to the “church.” The Lords truly saved blood bought born-again church is beautiful. The problem is due to unbiblical Soteriologies, these buildings that we wrongfully call

The Thin Blue Line vs the Thin Theological Line

The Thin Blue Line vs the Thin Theological Line Whenever a ‘professing’ Christian frequently and consistently talks more about his sin(s), that he was allegedly “set free” from, that is always a red flag to me. When they constantly say “I used to do this,” or “I used to do that;” there’s a good chance they

Santa Monica School District officials & police officer misapply 653b of the Calif. Penal Code, violating evangelists’ constitutional rights to preach at high school (video included)

It was encouraging to watch this video of Ronnie and his team preaching at Santa Monica High School. As expected some of the students could care less, but others were very interested in hearing more. But sadly at the end (beginning at timestamp 28:20), you will see a female police officer approach Ronnie. The officer

Pastor Jack Hibbs of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills accuses his congregation of taking “stupid pills,” if they don’t vote the way he prefers

A brother and friend of mine recently attended a Wednesday night ‘Bible’ study at Calvary Chapel Chino Hills, whereas their idolized celebrity pastor (Jack Hibbs) ended with a lot of voting hyperbola. Rather than Hibbs be a strong under-shepherd, he engaged the congregation in a lot of emotionalism, and sensationalism. Their pastor even told his

Last night in less than thirty seconds, Mike Pence taught over fifty million television viewers his unbiblical soteriology – How should Christ’s bride respond?

Last night on television, during the vice presidential debate, Mike Pence publicly gave his testimony regarding his faith. He stated, “My Christian faith became real for me when I made a personal decision for Christ.” Bear in mind that the aforementioned ‘statement of faith’ was seen and heard by an estimated viewership of over 50,000,000 people