Attention Church: Open-Air preaching is a Biblical calling! Articles & video included here! by Bill Rhetts One of the biggest obstacles that open-air preachers face, are those that profess to be Christian. They seemingly have the spirits gift of telling us, that we should not preach out in public places. I say this with much
The Story of 1st Lt. Russell T. Kaufman, USAF; a WWII Veteran, combat hero, a Nazi Camp POW. A real ‘top gun,’ an officer and a gentleman (a WWII Veteran, combat hero, a Nazi Camp POW. A real ‘top gun,’ an officer and a gentleman.) August 11th, 2010 Written by Chaplain Bill Rhetts Synopsis Today
The idolatry of decisionism, and the post-modern, emergent, contemporary, unbiblical sinners prayer. Paul Washer ~ If ANY man be in Christ he IS a NEW creation…
The State of the Roman Catholic Religion, and the criminology, victimology, and theology of Catholicism by Chaplain Bill Rhetts March 8th, 2013 Introduction: On February 11, 2013, the 85-year old pope Benedict XVI, announced that “because of advanced age,” he would resign by the end of the month. This news made history, because the last
Note by Chaplain Bill: With the current increase in youth violence, and the compromise and lack of courage in leadership, it’s time to recirculate this article. I’ve had the privilege of meeting Lt Col. Dave Grossman in a training environment as a police officer, and later in the private sector. Lt. Col. Grossman is the owner
Since writing this testimony, the Lord has changed my doctrinal beliefs to be more Biblically orthodox, reformed, and Calvinistic. Lord willing, one day, I might revise the entire article: in the meantime. This testimony is to share with you how the Lord saved me from death; both physically and spiritually. He has sustained me through