This is our new America. The most “pro-gay,” pro-feminist, ecumenical White House we’ve had yet. All of this is promoted and celebrated (emphasis added) by Big Eva, who has their nose so far up ‘the establishment’ derriere, that they cannot even see the errs of their ways. "For though we walk in the flesh, we
Having said all this. Discernment is not the ability to see and expose the more obvious and egregious violations of a regulative principle of worship like this. Biblical discernment is the ability to detect the lessor violations because a little leaven leavens the whole lump. The solution to this sinister minister and their not a
So many “churches” are like the world, while trying hard to say they’re not. Repackaging Halloween with Trunk-Or-Treat, Harvest, or Fall-O-Ween, is like putting lipstick on a pig. It’s a counterfeit Christianity. Their “Fall-O-Ween Jesus” is blasphemy. My words are gracious to those who claim their “Christian liberty” to do so as ‘individuals.’ But the
As a former Roman Catholic, I say this. The ‘Ave Maria’ prayer sung at the Trump rally is a direct violation of the first three Commandments, The song below is an idolatrous prayer to Mary, as their mediator and intercessor. As they pray for the dead in hopes they’ll be forgiven in a purgatory that does not
In the below video (a sermon excerpt), Pastor Loran Livingston of Central Church Charlotte, NC gives a scathing rebuke of the political idolatry that has infected evangelicalism. Evidently, this new ‘God bless the USA bible’ created by Lee Greenwood, and promoted and endorsed by former president Trump, includes secular ecumenical documents alongside the Holy Scriptures.
Though I did not watch the Superbowl game and have not watched one in decades. I woke up this morning to see my social media platforms lit up about one of the Superbowl ads – He Gets Us. The ad is a photo collage (artwork) of people washing others’ feet. Their agenda is to teach their views
The California-based LinkedIn Corporation is a social media platform that I’ve been using since its conception (the free version). But I didn’t use it solely for my business-related connections with my law enforcement and investigator colleagues. I used it as a platform to daily exercise my religion, and free speech while being politically incorrect and
President Biden recently committed blasphemy (again) against Almighty God. After playing that video, I discuss covenant theology vs. dispensationalism, and then imprecatory prayers. Regarding my comments against public schools, I failed to mention the solution, which is homeschooling. If the Secret Service desires to visit my home, you’re wasting your valuable time. As while I
For about one year I belonged to the two Inland Empire Fishing Facebook groups, one of them the Inland Empire Bass Fishing Facebook group. I stayed in compliance with their ‘group rules’ but got removed by their administrators. Why? For reporting inappropriate posts to their administrators. Those posts I reported were clearly in violation of
The below photograph is courtesy of Jarrad Henderson of USA TODAY. It was taken on Jan. 6th at a rally in Washington D.C. This photograph depicts a violation of the first three Commandments. Forgive me for sharing it, but Christ’s Church must rebuke, oppose, and expose this grave sin against our Lord (Ephesians 5:1-21). This