The most likely threat to our churches is not an active shooter. It’s allowing wolves in sheep’s clothing and/or their books to infiltrate our churches. And I say that as a man who has engaged active shooters in a shootout at a church. “The State that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its
Reformation Media exposes more heresies of C.S. Lewis. They reminded us “Christ warned about false teachers (Matt. 7:13), but hirelings will not (John 10:13) because they don’t care about the sheep.” They also play video clips of false teachers John Piper and Tim Keller endorsing and promoting Lewis. As I said before. The most likely
Last month I shared this fellow’s video entitled C.S. Lewis & Rome (His Connection to Catholic Clergy & Doctrine). This month, below I share his video entitled ‘C.S. Lewis: Mere Antichrist (Godfather of Ecumenical Evangelical Apostasy).’ It is more comprehensive than the aforementioned video. The most likely threat to our churches is not an active
Disclaimer: This is not an article or a formal position paper. It is merely a blog post to informally share my position on this subject. Many years ago, I belonged to a church that I loved dearly. But what destroyed that church were the following two effects. 1. The pastor and a majority of the
I’m enjoying this excellent biography, the Life and Campaigns of Stonewall Jackson, written by his Chaplain, Robert L. Dabney (a Confederate States Army chaplain, and reformed Theologian). The following are some excerpts, as well as my thoughts and applications. Chapter III – In Mexico During the Mexican War of the 1840s, then ‘Major’ Jackson received
I’m enjoying another exposition of the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith. This one is A New Exposition of the London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689, edited by Rob Ventura. I just finished the first five chapters, and so far, I am well pleased. But I paid particular attention to chapter 3 on God’s Decree,
The original sin in the garden was named after Adam – aka the first Adam, not Eve. Albeit Eve sinned in the garden, Adam was responsible. So it was thru Adam that sin entered the entire human race (Rom 5:12). Adam is the predecessor of sin and representative of all mankind (aka federal headship). Therefore, today’s husbands
Though I am very appreciative of the many books I have read and accumulated over many decades. But when they are no longer in use, and become mere dust collectors, and/or are doctrinally indifferent, then it’s time to redistribute another box of books, which makes more room for new books (or more solid old books).
Though I fall short, ever since I can remember, as per the authority of Jude 3, I’ve strived to obey the Hapax Legomenon and command to earnestly contend for the faith (epagōnizomai). But sadly, today, instead of contending for the faith, or giving a defense via apologetics, many wrongfully contend for or defend their favorite
Many will laugh, some will mock, others will be angry with me, but a minority will appreciate this; so, let her rip. One of the greatest disappointments (or offenses) I see in today’s Christendom, is the sinister idolatry of celebrity pastors, books, and/or authors. On many Facebook groups, it’s more about man than the Lord