This puritan wrote this newspaper column back in 1848. It’s almost prophetic to hear what he said, as we watch where we are today. He also warned about the many books that some Christians are reading a well. “I don’t want Satan to outwit us. After all, we are not ignorant about Satan’s scheming.” (2
Eric Ludy read heretic Rob Bells’ newest ’emerging church’ book. Bells’ heresies and false doctrines drove Eric to an even more righteous indignation; hence to preach this prolific message. But it’s not just Bell’s book, it’s many others. He also talks about the heretical, immoral, criminally minded, Bible publisher called Zondervan. For over a decade
Voddie is one of my favorites. To the critics of this video. No doubt, Voddie fully understands that God’s love was also the biggest part of His Sons crucifixion. However, he certainty refuted those false Gospel claims that Jesus is a sissy, and that God is only about love. Pastor Voddie Baucham is a solid
Gods Biblical warning about the dangers of reading many books, including Christian books which can be part of the apostasy DONT KILL THE MESSENGER: Open your Bibles to Ecclesiastes 12:9-14. The second half of this video is where most Christians will disagree with. That’s that we are to spend more time reading Gods’ Book (the