We live in a time when Bereans are quickly slandered by wrongfully being called a “legalist,” “lacking grace,” or being “too critical.” So, I sought counsel from a group of Reformers asking them if my criticism of this baptism (video below) ‘would be a hill worth dying on, or that I might be too critical
A friend and brother in Christ whom I love dearly emailed the below video to me. The minister gave this speech before the Oxford Union Society on the topic of “Christianity, inclusivism, and same-sex acts.” It has since become popularly known as “The Speech That Shocked the World!” Though his speech may be conservative according
Some of the most misused, misapplied, misquoted or twisted Scriptures are Matthew 7:1, Matthew 18:20, John 3:16, John 8:7, and either Matthew 11:19 or Luke 7:34. But via sloppy hermeneutics, Romans 12:18c is increasingly being used out of context. Romans 12:18c says “live peaceably with all men.” Compromisers that misquote this partial verse want us to believe that
Over the last several years God has decreed many significant events to occur in America (and the world), and I believe they will increase. Whether they be mass causality incidents caused either by natural disasters or by man, God decreed them. But the two incidents that stand out the most, are the Corona Virus and the 2020
Christians don’t believe the LIE that doctrine and sound teaching is not important. Christians are to practice it, defend and contend for it, and even rebuke those who contradict it. Below is just the tip of the iceberg of what GOD says about doctrine. Titus 1:9 “He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as
After seeing another Biblical herald being wrongfully criticized by heterodox believers for how he handled the police, I post this. There’s a lot of talk today about liberals hating “free speech.” Since the beginning of Christianity, Christian Men who have been called to go, stand, and preach the Gospel in the public square have always
As you know I made a podcast calling out Josh Buice and Paul Washer for their false teaching and application on Romans 13. A fruit of that teaching was the cowardly closure of churches during Covid. Had it been their own private decision between their Elders, I would have remained silent. But what provoked me to
Preaching the glorious Gospel in the streets of California, the land of fruits and nuts is always a challenge and a blessing. In this video, you will see (or hear) my beloved friend Ronnie herald the Gospel at Disneyland. Disneyland spends an enormous amount of its patron’s money financing the homosexual agenda, as they indoctrinate
Though I fall short, ever since I can remember, as per the authority of Jude 3, I’ve strived to obey the Hapax Legomenon and command to earnestly contend for the faith (epagōnizomai). But sadly, today, instead of contending for the faith, or giving a defense via apologetics, many wrongfully contend for or defend their favorite
Todd Friel’s interpretation (or application) of Romans 13 is a man-centered eisegesis, to say the least. At timestamp 16:00 he states, “if the government tells me to put pinwheels on the side my head every time I go to Publix, I’m gonna put pinwheels on the side of my head.” This cowardly pacifist wrong view